Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Session 15 Linux Networking Introduction for RHCSA on RHEL 8 | Linux tutorial

IPv4 Networks
Networks and Routing
Tools and Commands – ping and traceroute
Current Network Adapters – Configure a Network Adapter
ip as a Diagnostic Tool
Routing Tables with ip route
Dynamically Configure IP Addresses with dhclient
Display Network Connections with ss
TCP/IP is a series of protocols organized in layers, known as a protocol suite.
IP addresses help you communicate across a network.
A number of TCP/IP tools and configurations are available to help you manage a network.
Although the focus of current networks is still on IP version 4 addressing, some organizations have mandated a move toward IP version 6 networks
Every computer that communicates on a network needs an IP address.
Some addresses are assigned permanently to a particular computer; these are known as static addresses.
Others are leased from a DHCP server for a limited amount of time; these are known as dynamic IP addresses.
IPv4 addresses are 32-bit binary numbers and are expressed in “dot-decimal” notation , with each decimal octet representing 8 bits.
An IP address is made up of two parts: a network address and a host part.
IP addresses are categorized into different classes, which defined the size of the network and the host part of the address.
There are some private IP addresses which can not be assigned to any computer.
For example–,–, and–
Addresses through are used for loopback communication on a local host.
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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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