Setting Up ROS2 and Webots | Ubuntu 20.04 | Webots ROS2 tutorial series | [Video 1]
Wish to create interesting robot motion and have more control over your world and robots in Webots? Soft_illusion Channel is here with a new tutorial series on the integration of Webots and ROS2. (A channel which aims to help the robotics community).
This is the first Video in this video series which will contain the following videos:
1. ROS 2, Webots installation and Setup of a workspace in VS Code
2. Different examples in Webots with ROS2
3. Use ROS2 services to interact with robots in Webots
4. Control a robot with ROS2 Publisher
5. Get feedback from different sensors of Robot with ROS2 Subscriber
6. Implement Master and Slave robots project with ROS2
7. Setup Rviz (Showing different sensor output )
8. Ways to debug projects with Rostopic echo, Rostopic info, RQT_graph
9. Use advance debugging tools like Rqt console, Rqt gui
10 & 11. Implementation of SLAM toolbox or LaMa library for unknown environment.
12. & 13. Implementation of AR-tag detection and getting exact pose from camera.
Note: Following are the system specifications that will be used in the tutorial series.
Ubuntu 20.04, ROS 2 Foxy, Webots R2020b-rev1
0:00 Series video
0:10 Introduction
1:48 ROS2 Installation
8:19 Webots Installation
9:29 Webots ROS2 Package Installation
11:29 VS code installation
13:38 Example of Webots and ROS2
This particular video will teach you the following topics to help you get started with using ROS2 in the very user-friendly simulator called Webots. Also use the links to follow the procedure of implementation.
1. Introduction
This section includes the introduction of video series and talks about the achievements after the series.
2. ROS2 installation
Step wise Installation of ROS2 from the below link:
Building ROS 2 on Linux
Or use
Installing ROS 2 on Linux
3. Webots Installation
Snap installation of Webots (Also show Debian installation) (By clicking on View in Desktop store)
And talk about other types of installation for different systems.
4. Webots-ros2 repo
Git clone the webots ROS2 repo :
sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-webots-ros2
5. VS code installation
Setting VS code and setting up repo in VS code:
6. Example of Webots and ROS 2
Opening a small example to check if everything is working properly.
As we get deeper into the remaining videos of the tutorial series, those who know ROS but new to ROS2 will find a lot easier to grasp and understand several topics and concepts such as topics, services, publishers, subscribers etc and several debugging techniques such as rqt_graph, rqt_console etc.
Those who are new to the ROS/ROS2 world might find it a little difficult, but don’t worry; we are all here to help you. ROS can be fun when things work like magic, very easy to understand and implement a lot of basic functionalities.
And Webots is a great simulator which is very ROS friendly as we will know as you drive through these videos. So have fun and good luck.
As an initial step before diving into Webots, it is important to understand it’s the importance and what sets it apart from other simulators like Gazebo and NVIDIA Isaac. User friendly, easy to learn & implement on custom robots and applications are not the only pros. For those who understand the intricacy involved, this software is easy to integrate with ROS, multi-threading is possible and an amazing tool for multi-agent navigation.
Wait, that’s not all..!! Good news for Reinforcement learning fans..!!! OpenAI Gym blends well with Webots.
If the above information triggers any thought, please feel free to comment to initiate discussions not only on Gazebo or NVIDIA Isaac but also robotics in general.
Robotics is not difficult..! It is inspiring and challenging..!! We are in the current era of the Robotics Revolution, where Disco will be the name of a pet robot, not dog.
This channel is driven with a motive to provide good robotics tools to aid everyone gains a good and simple understanding of this so-called complex robotics domain. Hopefully, this will build the bridge to turn the novel ideas of viewers into reality.
Introductory Webots tutorial playlist:…
This is another tutorial series that we have to help you understand Webots better. These videos begin with the basic installation of the simulator, and ranges to higher-level applications like object detection, obstacle avoidance, actuator motion and hot topics such as Supervisor.
Facebook link to the Intro Video Artist, Arvind Kumar Bhartia:
Special thanks to Olivier Michel and David Mansolino
Comment if you have any doubts on the above video.
Also do make suggestions if you need a tutorial on any other project topics.
Do Share so that I can continue to make many more videos with the same boost. 🙂
Happy Coding. 🙂
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