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Setup a DLNA Server in Windows PC for Media Streaming

This video guides you on how to enable DLNA Media Server on Windows 11 and access your media libraries from other DLNA-enabled devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart TVs, game consoles, etc.

To set up DLNA on a PC, we don’t require any media server software, we just need to turn on the Media Streaming Options feature in Windows.

VLC Media Player:


by Techy Druid

linux ftp server

25 thoughts on “Setup a DLNA Server in Windows PC for Media Streaming

  • Great, thanks for sharing, that worked.
    Now i need a way for VLC to turn off my PC after watching, lol

  • I'm grateful for your help. I've been searching for this tutorial all over the place, you made the whole process so clear.

  • our samsung smart tv doesnt have a vlc. what should i do?

  • wow thanks! i never knew that was there on vlc for pc but vlc for android popped up a lot easier! Thank you so much!!

  • Is it possible for my external drive to be visible in the DLNA server files and folder? It doesnt make sense for me to move all my video and media files into the video folder on windows.

  • What if my music library is on an external hard disk and it's too big to fit into music folder on windows 11? How can I stream folders from attached hdd?

  • Thank you for this. Is there a way leave one single folder shares?

  • Why are many smartphone manufacturers now dropping this otherwise very useful dlna protocol from their newer phones – even from their mid and upper range phones! – , when most consumers these days typically have lots of equipment with this standard onboard – TVs, PCs, laptops, (android) tablets, gaming consoles, HiFi systems, Android boxes, projectors and ("older" ) smartphones – ?

    It simply doesn't make any sense šŸ™„

    What is going on here?

    Thank you šŸ˜Š

  • Hi, thanks for sharing. can i setup my kodi on my TV BOX to discover the new windows streaming server?

  • For security reasons itā€™s better to define a share on Windows, grant read permission to everyone on that share and use SMB instead. Donā€™t forget to set NTFS permissions as well, if applicable. UPnP has serious security issues, so it is not a wise idea to have that active on your laptop.

  • And what could it be if your media files can't be seen in your device even after doing all the process from 0:00 to 2:37?
    I mean… the step two dosen't work for me. I try to acess using other device, but there's no media files in there. What could it be?
    My PC can be acessed, but with no media files in it. As if it was empty, you know? But my files are placed in those three media folders you said.

  • You don't need to move all your Media to the 3 folders, you can open the Libraries folder and then right click any folder inside lets say Movies, than right click and choose properties – click on the add button and add any folder you like

  • Question: Would it be better for me to just plug in a USB drive into my TV and play the files directly from the USB drive?

  • I have miniDLNA running on a Linux system but win 10 won't connect to it.
    my smart tv, ps3, win 7 and other Linux systems all work with it but win 10 just wont

  • I want to remove the music and photos folders and leave only the video ones and remove the videos subfolders, is there any way?

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