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Sheffield Wednesday – The Worst Run Club In English Football

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Sheffield Wednesday – The Worst Run Club In English Football
Sheffield Wednesday – The Worst Run Club In English Football
Sheffield Wednesday – The Worst Run Club In English Football


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20 thoughts on “Sheffield Wednesday – The Worst Run Club In English Football

  • After reading his statement in the newspaper about how the fans can clear the £2million debt the club owes the club he owns {its like getting your mates ta pay ya debts off} I thought it was an April fools BUT then I though its NOT April. I was blown away by his piss take, and even reading his statement AGAIN at the beginning of this video I still couldn't get my head around it thinking "WTF IS HE BEING SERIOUS" Well at least he was nice enough to calculate that it would ONLY take 20,000 fans £100 EACH!!! just think he could of been a proper wanker and got the fans to do the calculating themselves 😂🤣 The Sheffield Wednesday fans need to get him out asap!!!

  • What was the saying a few years ago…."in Chansiri we trust" 😂

  • As a Everton fan i feel your pain. Our clubs so similar in being run like a circus. Sheffield Wednesday r a monster of a football club that just needs a new owner new ideas too wake it up.Great fan base and sad when teams like luton bournemouth fulham etc etc r premier lg and bigger teams r struggling. Hopefully you bounce back and head in right direction

  • Chansiri is a piece of work! I’ve been to fans forums and it is basically Chansiri promising “the truth” and then never actually being truthful.

    A dreadful tin pot despot. Possibly the most arrogant man I’ve ever met.

  • Thanks for this vid, Liam. I'm not a SWFC supporter, but seeing a proud, long-lived club like the Owls being dragged through the merde is incredibly sad & disgusting.

    IMHO there's only one place that greedy, narcissistic, petulant brat Chansiri belongs – in His Majesty's Prison with all the other criminals! He needs to grow a set of cojones & put SWFC up for sale – if he has to sell it at a loss, well, that's just his tough shit…

    Also, the FA needs to man up & take some responsibility for allowing this to happen, not just to SWFC, but to so many other clubs as well; Bury, Oldham Ath., Southend Utd, Scunthorpe Utd, the list goes on…

    Chansiri and his ilk are killing what the game is all about – loyalty, trust, respect, mateship, unity – and this is what they will be remembered for.

  • Worst chairman/owner I've ever seen in charge of us. Dave Richards was an absolute back to front (c*nt) but an absolute demi-god compared to this tinned fish prick. I've heard his family have to constantly bail him out, as he's such a piss-poor businessman. Not sure if that's true, but the guy stinks of petulism. Mandaric was the best thing that happened to Wednesday for years, but those days are long gone. I feel so very sad as a Wednesday fan, not a supporter anymore (but ALWAYS a fan), as I don't get to many games but I used to do and only missed one home game in all comps between August 1990 and May 1996. I remember us lifting the League (Rumbelows) cup in 1991, beating teams like Man Utd, Chelsea, Man City, Liverpool, Spurs and Arsenal. Sad times and I really feel sorry for the supporters who attend week in and out and especially the ones that travel to away games. What's the answer? I'm fucked if I know…

  • Thanks mate, I emailed about this a month ago and I loved this video. My club is in shreds

  • You need to check out Bradford City – SUFC looks like a well run model compared to Bradford

  • chansiri is the biggest c*nt get him out our club

  • As a Derby fan i feel your pain we had an owner who basically nearly caused us to go out of existence.but luckily we was saved at the 11th hour by a local businessman and loyal supporter.itll happen to Wednesday im sure a local businessman will end up buying the club and getting the club run properly we we're deducted 21 points because of a greedy owner Sheffield Wednesday have a massive fan base in the right hands your club would be up there competing with the rest best of luck for the remainder of the season whatever happens stick by your club.

  • As a man utd fan we have to be grateful we aint in southend, Scunthorpe United. I would give 2 to 3 million to save these clubs

  • Wouldn't say the worst 😂 Reading are in a far worse position and I feel for them

  • Ive been watxhing your channel for a while and im happy you are making a statement about how ridiculous the situation is, my home town club is getting worse day by day

  • Damn, that message from Chansiri sound like a hostage threat.

  • I'm sorry but I don't agree with this look at Reading FC at the moment there in a, worse state

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