Show or Hide Icons in Taskbar Corner Overflow area on Windows 11
In this guide, we show you how you can Show or Hide icons from the Taskbar Corner Overflow in Windows 11. On earlier versions of Windows up to Windows 10, the icons at the bottom-right of the taskbar are called Notification Area or System tray icons. But with Windows 11, this area has been named Taskbar Corner Overflow.
You can see icons of the Internet, Antivirus, Battery Status, etc in the Taskbar Corner Overflow. There is a way to customize the taskbar corner overflow icons like you customize icons on the notifications bar of your phone. You can add icons or remove them from the taskbar corner overflow icons or system tray. Let’s see how you Show or Hide icons on the system tray or taskbar corner overflow icons on Windows 11.
Show or Hide Icons in Taskbar Corner Overflow on Windows 11
To Show or Hide the Icons in Taskbar Corner Overflow or Notification Area or System Tray on Windows 11, do the following:
- Click on the icons
- Then click on the pencil button
- Click on unpin button or add button
Let’s get into the details of the customization of System Tray or Taskbar Corner Overflow Icons.
Click on the icons in the System Tray or Taskbar Corner Overflow. You will see the full list of icons and their status on the pop-up window. Then click on the pencil button at the bottom of the pop-up.
Every icon on the pop-up is added with an unpin button at the top of it. Click on the unpin button of the particular icon you want to remove from the Taskbar corner overflow icons or system tray.
To add icons of Keyboard layout, Mobile hotspot, Nearby sharing, Night light, or Project to the list of icons, click on the +Add at the bottom of the pop-up.
You will see the list of icons that can be added.
You can go to Taskbar Settings and add some additional buttons to the Taskbar Corner Overflow. Select the icon you want. It gets added to the taskbar corner overflow icons.
Once you are done with the customization, click on Done to save the changes.
This is how you can customize taskbar corner overflow icons or system tray icons on Windows 11.
How do I get the hidden icons back on my taskbar?
You can get them easily using the pencil button that is available on the Taskbar corner overflow icons pop-up. You can add or remove any icon easily there. Just go to taskbar settings and add new icons to the taskbar corner overflow.
How to pin any app to the Taskbar in Windows 11
You can pin any app to the Taskbar in Windows 11 in two ways by using the context menu or from the Start menu. Windows 11 doesn’t support pinning apps by dragging them onto the taskbar.
Related read: How to change Taskbar size on Windows 11.