Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Simatic STEP 7: Set IP address in user program with FB55 IP_CONFIG

This video is a small demo on how to set-up IP address in user program by the help of the function block FB55 – IP_CONFIG.

Used software:
– TIA PORTAL WinCC Advanced v15.1

Used hardware:
– S7 315-2DP 6S7 315-2AG10-0AB0
– S7 343-1 Lean 6S7 343-1CX10-0XE0
– TP900 Comfort 6AV2 124-0CJC01-0AX0

If you find this video useful – thank me, or buy me a coffe :=]

Industrial Ethernet CP Order number Firmware
CP443-1 Advanced 6GK7443-1EX40-0XE0 V1.0.33
CP443-1 Advanced 6GK7443-1EX41-0XE0 V1.0.23
CP443-1 Advanced 6GK7443-1GX20-0XE0 V2.0.49
CP443-1 Advanced 6GK7443-1GX30-0XE0 V3.0
CP443-1 Standard 6GK7443-1EX20-0XE0 V1.0.26
CP443-1 Standard 6GK7443-1EX30-0XE0 V3.0
CP343-1 Advanced 6GK7343-1GX21-0XE0 V1.0
CP343-1 Advanced 6GK7343-1GX30-0XE0 V1.0
CP343-1 Advanced 6GK7343-1GX31-0XE0 V3.0
CP343-1 Standard 6GK7343-1EX21-0XE0 V1.0
CP343-1 Standard 6GK7343-1EX30-0XE0 V2.0
CP343-1 Lean 6GK7343-1CX10-0XE0 V1.0




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

One thought on “Simatic STEP 7: Set IP address in user program with FB55 IP_CONFIG

  • Some tips:
    Make sure, that you assign unused IP address;
    CP briefly stops while program transfers connection data;
    Ensure, that communication data is sent each time after power loss (OB100 will help you to handle this);
    ACT needs to be set to TRUE untill DONE arrise;
    Always evaluate errors, it will save your time to find the problem.

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