Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Simplifying Microsoft DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management using DDI Central

Why watch this video?

In this video, we’ll guide you through setting up Microsoft DNS and DHCP servers, creating exclusive clusters for Microsoft servers, and accurately capturing and visualizing your Microsoft windows DNS and DHCP servers in DDI Central’s simple, intuitive, and unified user interface.

Topics discussed in this video

00:07 Introduction
00:50 Creating Microsoft Clusters
02:11 Adding Microsoft Windows DNS and DHCP servers
06:30 DDI Central as Microsoft Windows DNS manager
12:52 DDI Central as Microsoft Windows DHCP manager
21:12 DDI Central as Microsoft Windows IP address manager
23:03 Conclusion

#DNSDHCPIPAM #microsoftdnsmanager #windowsdhcpmanager #MicrosoftIPAM #WindowsDNS #WindowsDHCP #manageengine #DDICentral #networkmanagement #networkautomation #windowsdns #MicrosoftWindowsServerOS2022 #MicrosoftWindowsServerOS2019 #MicrosoftWindowsServerOS2016 #DDISoftware #DDISolution


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.