NETWORKSTelecom Networks

Simulation of 4G LTE Network with ns-3 simulator

2015 -2016
Master Project in Computer Science (Guelma University, Algeria)
Title: An authentication protocol to secure LTE networks
Students : Necaibia Amer & Ouatouat Badreddine
Supervised : Dr M. A. Ferrag


4g lte

20 thoughts on “Simulation of 4G LTE Network with ns-3 simulator

  • Nice project, thanks for this video. If you don't mind can you share your code with me i am working on school project.

  • hello sir can you please tell me how to simulation ns3 with any proposed algorithm of wireless network protocol

  • Bonjour, j'ai besoin de votre aide dans un projet scolaire qui porte sur l'évaluation des performances des réseaux mobiles. Est ce que vous pouvez m'aider ?

  • HI Mohamed, Thank you for sharing this video. I sent you an email. Can you share this code to me? thank you so much!

  • HI Mohamed, Thank you for sharing this video. I sent you an email. Can you share this code to me? thank you so much!

  • please would you send me the source code? I want to refer this simulation to do the 5G network project. thankyou:) email:

  • Sir, it is very helpful and good with visualization can you send the source code to

  • I'm very much interested in the code. Can you please send it to me? My email address is jmessiasalves at Thank you very much!

  • hi mohamed, can you share this code with me by any chane? Thank you very much!

  • Does anyone have a lte sim program script? I am currently doing research on LTE disorders. help me really need help: "

  • I am doing a research on LTE and in this research if a simulation is necessary, I am contacting you to know if you could make available the code that you used to simulate in NS-3?

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