Sky base with invisible stability (7 Days to Die: Alpha 21)

Using the invisible stability block from my last video, here’s a base that I’ve had half built in my prefabs for ages, but couldn’t finish without this new trick!

Invisible Stability:
Zombie forcefields for Alpha21:

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7 Days to Die is a survival horror video game set in a post-apocalyptic world where players must scavenge for resources, build shelters, and defend themselves against hordes of zombies. The game takes place in a randomly generated world and features a day-night cycle, with the zombies becoming more aggressive and difficult to deal with at night.

Players must also manage their hunger and thirst levels, as well as avoid other environmental hazards such as extreme temperatures and wildlife. The game can be played alone or with others in multiplayer mode. It was developed by The Fun Pimps and released in 2013 for Microsoft Windows and later for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Linux.

Game settings
Difficulty : Insane
# of Zombies: 64


0:00 Walkthrough and Stability
3:06 Basic Horde
6:19 Alternate 1
8:43 Alternate 2
11:23 Alternate 3

#7daystodie #alpha21 #7dtd


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24 thoughts on “Sky base with invisible stability (7 Days to Die: Alpha 21)

  • Coming soon to Alpha 24 – the Gyro-CROP-ter – a corn-based, biofuel-powered vehicle that is even harder to land than the current gyro…

  • LOL. Love it! Is there a betting pool for how long it takes the Fun Pimps to "patch" this block glitch? Put me down for February 2024.

  • I wonder why every great zombie survival game plays and runs like shit๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Is the goddamn update ever coming to console. Or do I really have to build a damn PC just to play 7D2D.

  • Wouldn't an external spiral allow for some pathing shenanigans?

  • they dont die when they hit the ground??

  • you should make the base so you can use planes, uh60 and the other helicopters

  • I own 7 Days to Die but never found the appeal in it.

    Why would you want a base like this? Isn't the point of the game to see how long you can survive for with the tools you have?

    Wouldn't having a legit invincible base just mean the game is over since you technically CAN NOT lose? What's the appeal of continuing the game after that?

    In RUST it would make sense to try to have an invincible base because others can still try to raid it while you will try to endlessly stock on supplies to destroy everyone else that's trying to be as strong as you are.


  • does anyone know what the vanilla distance is that feral sense zombies detect you? for example, i thought it used to be not particularly far in alpha 20.. but they seem to come from miles away in alpha 21.. did they increase the distance? is the distance increased based on biome? for example. ive done a few wasteland only playthrus in alpha 21 and seem to NON STOP be attacked by bears & dogs.. its virtually impossible to play.. i like feral sense on, but its just ridiculous how many zombies come at you in the wasteland. also i did a base on top of dishong tower and zombies were constantly attacking the bottom of the tower.. i had hoped they wouldnt be able to detect me that high up. even if not being stealthy… just doing chores around the base at night without having to worry about constant attacks.. what height would i need to be to be perfectly safe?

  • how did you make a circular base thats that big? i thought the max circle size is 7×7?

  • Is this downloadable ๐Ÿ˜…

  • The videos produced for this channel are incredibly stylish. Thank you, for aesthetics matter.

  • Whats with this rage mode. It always looks like it activates no matter what.

  • It's going to take years before Neebs gaming is smart enough to figure this out๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Really nice base design. AFK bases never made sense to me – How to make the most fun part of the game into the most boring. heh.

  • Very well designed base, just not for me. I can't see myself moving away from "boom box type", unless TFP changes it. My goal is finish horde night asap and there is no design (to my knowledge) that's more efficient.

    That being said. I believe adding double electric fences post (by using timer wire relay, in my horde defence design second electric fence line goes online at 1 am), dart traps on top (with trip wire) you could get an afk base that could potencially kill the horde.

  • Nice, I do love these sky bases. I think I tried to build one back in A19, but like you mentioned with the additional supports it just looks ugly. Might give this idea a try in my world. Thanks, mate!

  • That's a nice base you have there.๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ However, I prefer to not see the Zeds up close and personal on horde night, I see enough of their ugly faces during my travels in the game.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคข I liked ur "Zombie Drop" idea though.๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Btw, do they take damage with each fall?๐Ÿค” I never use a pistol for that many zeds always a full auto rifle, in fact, I've quit using pistols and just go rat-a-tat, sniper, and shotgun on them.๐Ÿ˜„

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