Computer NetworksNETWORKS

SMS, ATM, PC, WI FI, SIM , Meaning of some more important words.

Today I have thought you SIM, ATM, WI FI, PC, SMS meaning of some more important words. used in job & life. the meaning of the word that I have thought today is given below. wear les fidelity, subscriber identi model, short message service, automated tailor machine, portable document format, universal serial bus, wear les local area network, close circuit television, high defination multimedia inter face, art meridian, ambulation in mind, advanced technology, basic input out put system, be were you every time, cisco certified network associate, compact disc, compact disc recorder, read only memory, chief executive officer, computer information system company, command, common operating machine, central processing unit, hard disc drive, human immunodeficiency virus, hewlat packerd, high tech computer, hyper tax markup language, international business corporation, international communication technology, international mobile equipment identify, international organization of standardization, joint photography expert group, kilogram, kilometer, local area network, light emeting diod, megabytes per second, on the grow, personal computer, random access memory, read only memory, objection killed.


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