8 thoughts on “Solid Security PRO Tutorial 2024 | Incl Security Key Setup

  • @WPressDoctor – I was updating my website's with your Youtube video, and everything went well, but then the battery went dead, and now I am totally locked out of my site. Is there a way I can go back? I was updating as you go up to +-20min?

  • watched you youtube and resolved the loggin to backend of site that previous video did not. I mentioned the liquidweb support team that they do not have to restore cpanel home directory backup zip file 🙂

  • Still working on the website that not even the liquidweb support team (12 hours) later can restore a 170 mb zip Cpanel backup file so i can get back to backend login. Anyway, now beginning you solid security team and have been working with them about Solidwp Backup. I prefer video and their organization is not up on step by step as your videos are (works for me) I am requesting that you should do 'solidwp backup' informational. But I am only one. looking forward in watching your Youtube Matt-Wpress Doctor 🙂

  • He Matt, zou je de website van Orangefit die je hebt nagemaakt, ook in een export bestand willen zetten? Dan kan ik hem uploaden op mijn website.

  • Thanks Matt for the Pro version tutorial. Great as always. I already protect my website.

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