Solution to Windows 7 Install Stuck on Logo
installing windows 7, starting windows with the colored balls and freezes.
1-Turm off your PC,Remove all USB devices + Mouse, Unplug it from power cord, Remove Bios battery, Press and hold Power for 1 min while unpluged and bios battery is out, release and put battery back, and plug it. try install again (Do not connect Any USB )
2-Change the SATA configuration in the BIOS to “compatible”
3-Disconnect any other HDD or SSD, USB cables
4-Check your bios, if there is a Secure boot: ON, then turn it OFF
5-If there is “Lunch CSM: in your bios, Enable it.
6-Turn on SATA AHCI in Bios and Turn on Native SATA mode.
7-Use Rufus, and install windows from USB
8-Take your SATA out, put it in other PC and install windows, then put it back your first computer and install drivers.
how to repair windows 7
Good information