Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines

Cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike pushed an update that caused millions of Windows computers to enter recovery mode, triggering the blue screen of death. Learn how the Crowdstrike crash happened and its impact around the world.

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🔖 Topics Covered

– Crowdstrike failure explained
– How does windows kernel work
– What caused windows computers to crash?
– Cybersecurity fails


windows server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

36 thoughts on “Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines

  • Everyday we get closer to Watchdogs happening irl

  • I have windows, legal copy and all but didn't have any problem, should be as I don't use any antivirus, in fact I don't use or install or give permission to any software that that isn't clear on what it does. I use my pcs to work with autodesk, adobe, idk media player to see a movie from time to time, I only have the softs that I specifically use, no all the crap that they recommend, even my asus motherboard utility software wants me to install crap and antivirus and stuff, it's crazy, that should be illegal, 🤦‍♂ I know what I am doing but most people don't and just click ok next and say yes to whatever is in front of them

  • 2:55. Buy a sledgehammer and use it to uninstall Windows. OMG – I laughed so damn hard at this joke!

  • Crowdstrike devs on a Friday afternoon> "Deploy it anyway… it'll eventually fix itself…"

  • I don't blame the developer AT ALL. We all make mistakes in code. I 100% blame the QA people. How this didn't come up in tests is just insane.

  • Lol love the CEO clip of hangover as CEO missing up Windows OS

  • "You can't hack a system if the system doesn't work!" An intern in cybersecurity pushing the update

  • Hhaha and that's what u get for using windows.. good thing I'm on GNU Linux

  • This is what they get for forcing crap updates on us. Screw corporate. Poor patients in hospitals

  • Which is why I ignore the update button for any software for weeks.

  • Very funny =))))
    I didn't worry because I am using a cracked version of Windows.

  • It was 8.5 million machines not 1B 😀
    and when less than ~0.7% of the Windows infrastructure experiences a BSOD and it's labeled the biggest IT outage in history, it’s clear the world runs on Windows not Linux, and certainly not MacOS! In contrast, when a similar incident occurred with Linux and Crowdstrike last year, nobody noticed or cared.

  • Ah such a fun story I'm still not able to do my Job because I'm working in one of those 500 fortune companies, and I am on a Cloud VPS that I have no physical access to do any of what video mention and the IT people still didn't get to me, so I guess i get some free days off :D.

  • I'd trust this company more after a mistake this bad. They won't be letting it happen again.

  • My Windows 10 PC at home seems to totally unaffected. Even went online to play a few rounds.

  • Let's hope this doesn't have anything to do with the Democrats trying to rigg the 2024; election….again. but, I wouldn't be surprised.

  • Did this happen with everyone ?
    Because I too use Windows but I didn't face it

  • That show how fragile our world is…if they decide to fight the world…we all gonna lost because we relied too much on single country technologies

  • While crowdstrike is working on fixing this, Black hat hackers have no one to stop them

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