Some *EASY* Kubernetes Projects for beginners
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In this video, I’d like to show you 4 easy Kubernetes projects for beginners. I’ll share my own experience of deploying a Kubernetes cluster on virtual machines using Proxmox, and how this exciting project helped me learn essential Kubernetes skills in a practical and fun way.
– k3s tutorial:
– Kubernetes management tools:
– Kubernetes vs docker?:
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00:00 Introduction
02:53 Install Kubernetes yourself!
06:20 Kubernetes management apps
09:09 Set up a Load-Balancer, and Ingress Controller
11:33 Deploy self-hosted web apps
14:10 Final thoughts
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by Christian Lempa
linux web server
For me Longhorn is one of the best storages. With one single command you can have storage solution for your Kubernetes cluster
Good Video,
I also started my own learning experience with k3s and kubeadm, and I defenetly learned a lot, but I had issues and complications when deploying k3s on diffrent distributions with diffrent networking stacks, as some of the tools would interact with iptables, some of them with nftables and some of them with ebpf, and in combination I often got broken network configurations. I do have to say it was an awesome experience, but might I point you at Sideolabs and Talos, I think it is a much superior but yet easier way to run kuberentes and get somewhat easy going.
Have you already heard of it? And if yes, why do you not recommend it for beginners?
Like your videos very much!
The "F" in Kubernetes stands for User-FRIENDLYNESS
4:54 What are the 3 devices in the rack?
There are NVMe 'hats' on top but what's underneath them?
do a updated video on argo cd !
Thanks Christian.
Hi Christian, love the channel. It would be great if you could cover gatekeeper opa to allow one to set controls on a k3s cluster. Thank you
k9s is my preferred management tool
Just in the last few days I've been learning Kubernates, and I've just managed to get to stage four by deploying Nginx on Kubernetes, after seeing this video I feel like I'm on the right path.🥳
An easy way to get into kubernetes is to use podman instead of docker. Once you get some pods and containers running, you can do `podman genereate kube` to generate a kube deployment yaml file and `podman kube play` to run any deployment yaml files. I try to use `podman kube play` instead of docker-compose
Now I can't wait for Raspberry K8s cluster! ❤
Any suggestion regards talos os
Nice! A couple of other areas.. multiple architecture worker nodes (building/deploying needed versions for each), simulate/have multiple sites (use labels for example for different sites) ha deployments across sites etc. if using secrets/configmaps… things like stakater/reloader (or even thinking about how to update/rotate certs/creds etc 🙂 )
Please tell us about the Linux distribution for Kubernetes – Talos 🙂
I too am using NFS PersistentVolumes right now. Well, for most things anyway. My homelab gear is kind of cobbled together and I only have gigabit ethernet between bare metal hosts. To get around this I decided to try running ZFS pools on each bare metal host and export NFS shares from there, for k8s PVs (among other things) – although the PVs have to be scheduled on specific worker nodes to avoid anything actually going over the wire where possible. It's been incredibly stable actually, kinda surprised me (been running like this for about 12 months now).
A common problem with NFS is that SQLite does NOT like it, and a huge number of things I'm running are SQLite based with no option to configure a dedicated DB. For these applications I'm using a dirty hack: setting up a virtual block device in Proxmox and storing them in the same zpools. Thinking of trying Ceph next (my bare metal hosts are Proxmox)
I also had to specifically configure ZFS to do async writes or the performance was terrible. But that comes with downsides too, although they've been only theoretical so far.
I use Kubernetes at work and get good value out of its inbuilt horizontal scaling and HA functionality, but in my homelab, practically nothing I want to run can actually be deployed like this, aside from applications I write myself. You can't just make any old application HA, it has to be built from the ground up with it in mind
Awesome to see more love for Kubernetes. Great video, Christian.
Hey so I know you read these comments so to keep this short…
Can you cover Talos Linux and Sidero Omni? K3s is nice and all, but Talos is a completely new kind of beast, very impressive.
@christianlempa — I don't think that Hostinger link works to click on. It's easy enough to type manually, of course.
@Christian, also as a proposal for upcoming video if you think it would be interesting, maybe a deeper dive into MetalLB and Nginx Ingress, both being used for Kubernetes app exposing and traffic control. I saw your Traefik videos, but it seems that Nginx Ingress is also being used a lot. Other YT videos are lacking, especially for domain certificates and host names through Nginx Ingress.
@Christian, any thoughts on Canonical (Ubuntu) MicroK8s Kubernetes? I got started with MicroK8s due to integration with Ubuntu and so far I am very satisfied. Easy to start, has all the necessary add-ons and practically comes out of the box on Ubuntu. Otherwise great and interesting video Christian, thx!
Love to see the shift to Kubernetes. 💖 Even if initially a bit harder to reason about than docker, after discovering kubernetes operators for DB management, I can't see myself going back to managing DBs in Docker anymore. And since most self hosted apps will require a DB – extra complexity pays of in in the long run.
Great videos as always!
Maybe a topic could be logs, which of them are useful for cluster,which for apps and which we can discard.
Maybe a third party solution to ingest them and check for security problems.
Thank you!
i know kubernetes but in home lab i much more default to just using docker well most specifically docker-compose most commonly due to simplicity… since high availability is not important for my home use, and even when i used kubernetes for in home I've still used it as single node server so didn't see any point of using extra resources for kuberenetes as well as using more setup time to prepare additional yaml configs / or helm files to run some simple docker containers
Sir like your content it's amazing ❤