Linux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSsmtp server liux

SPEEDRUN: Installing an Email Server (Current World Record: 2:22!; Script %)

Here’s the script:

Download it like this:
curl -LO

It installs postfix, dovecot, opendkim, spamassassin, certbot and fail2ban and configures them all to work together to make an email server, duh. In the video, I deploy an email server in less than 3 minutes.

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by Luke Smith

linux smtp server

22 thoughts on “SPEEDRUN: Installing an Email Server (Current World Record: 2:22!; Script %)

  • I'm using cloudflare for my DNS, how can i do this using cloudflare? I can't find a way to set up reverse DNS in cloudflare. Also, if i have already fail2ban, postfix etc… will this script change the configuration or make them not work anymore?

  • Why don't the time and subject of the sent and the received email match?

  • It works great. How might I add alias domains? Not necessarily send as but just drop into existing users other domains as an alias? Though a more in depth video for other domains would be fantastic. thanks either way this is flipping fantastic. I tried setting up mailcow and I hated my life after that. This was simple and it actually works.

  • no such thing as stupix about itx, ceuxuax, outx tx, can outx, tx any nwm and any s perfx

  • hey guys, I tried this script and am set up to the point to where I can send emails anywhere just fine, but all emails sent to me getting returned to sender, even though i appear to have everything set up correctly. I've tried and tried and chatgpt'd until i've nearly lost it. if any networking wizards are out there willing to help it would be insanely appreciated. God bless!

  • ok so legit question, when logging in through thunderbird which port do I configure as the incoming and outgoing servers? I tried to log in and it can't connect to my server apparently

  • Is it possible to create several emails for different domains in one server?

  • What was the name of that email server whom the author said it was unhackable and put up a bounty, qmail? It took 15 years to hack it!

  • That comment about almond crust stuck in your throat is the most relatable thing ive heard in a while.

  • There’s a problem running your own mail server. If it doesn’t update regularly automatically then you have to maintain it yourself. However, the problem is with everyone using the free email providers, chances are if you or your website sends them any email, it goes straight to the spam folder for no good reason and they never see it!

    Email has become a receipt box and is required for online purchases. Outside of Linux, they have ruined email by allowing html and remote images in your email, which is unreadable on mobile devices without zooming in and panning around. The major free email providers like Google Gmail removed the ability to view or convert email into plaintext. You would have to download your mail on a Linux box then convert it yourself. Nobody wants to do that so everybody just ignores email altogether.

    Everybody uses some sort of text messaging now. Email as we know it is dead 💀

    There’s little you can do about it. Ask everyone to add your address to their contact list but I doubt they will do it.

  • God I wish I could run actual servers in my house.
    My ISP doesnt let me run servers. They throttle my upload data speed.

  • Any idea how to sexii load balance or at least hve an active/passive config? Email Server are expected to have no downtime but you still want to do maintenance

  • Maybe, you can use this script to generate an APIs, and then just give an API to people can only to create one account. So they can make their own passwords.

  • Hi Luke, new sub. For hosting a website as you suggested in few of your videos what you think of netlify? seems to be free. I hope in your answer, thanks in advance.

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