NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSwindows dns serverWindows server

Splunk Universal Forwarder Tutorial – How to send Syslog to Splunk

We will discuss how syslog and the Splunk universal forwarder are similar and different and how to utilize both. We will discuss how to ingest syslog into Splunk and how it can be done with a Universal Forwarder without the problems that syslog can generate.

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by Lame Creations

windows server dns forwarder

6 thoughts on “Splunk Universal Forwarder Tutorial – How to send Syslog to Splunk

  • Thank you. I've been told by others and read that a universal forwarder was the way to send data to Splunk. However, until now I couldn't find anything articulating why you'd go to the trouble. Your breakdown and the extra details were helpful.

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • Please keep making more videos there are super useful! Specially the ES training

  • Great video thanks! Now I need to figure out how to build a syslog server to capture all of my syslogs from vCenter…

  • I appreciate this videos.Quick one:When you build an app,does it matter if you create your conf files in the default or local folder?I noticed you had the inputs conf in both.

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