Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Stalwart Academy – Cisco Video Collaboration Whiteboard Diagram – Jim Guido

In this Stalwart Academy video, Stalwart’s very own Jim Guido will discuss the latest in video collaboration implementations. In the past, many modifications needed to be made to security measure in order to place video calls to and from units inside the network to units outside the network. Fortunately today, with the implementation of Cisco’s Video Control System (VCS) and Cisco’s VCS Expressway, we are able to register endpoints centrally to the control system. This allows multiple endpoints within your environment. The firewall is configured to only allow communication from the outside of the network for video into the VCS Expressway. There is no longer a need to have video ports open on your network which allows for tighter security. Additionally, with this video collaboration setup you enable URI dialing. Further, implementing a Multi-Point Control Unit (MCU) will allow for impressive video conferencing even to the outside of the network. This can reduce travel expenses and improve customer relations. Most cases result in ROI in 12 months or less.


cisco academie

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