STAR TREK DS9 Playing God + Profit and Loss | 2×17 and 2×18 REACTION | FIRST TIME WATCHING!!
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Hello Everybody!
If you’d like to be up to 3 WEEKS ahead of the DS9 game, consider the Patreon (link below)!!! Besides that, Quark is in LOVE???
0:00 – Intro
2:01 – Playing God
18:58 – Review
24:38 – Profit and Loss
43:29 – Review
cisco academie
Only 1 video away from the FINALE of S2 over on Patreon!!! Head on over there to catch my reaction to that before anyone else!!!
Ohhhh….The Wire is coming up. That's definitely this season's "Duet" episode.
Whatever hype you've heard about it, it's better.
My local station shows DS9 six times a week and I'll always watch certain episodes when they're on. The Wire is definitely one of those episodes that is worth watching every time.
It's easy to forget but Kira is Bajoran, and to the Bajoran people their Prophets live in the Celestial Temple, the wormhole. Kira has shown herself to be religious before, as have most Bajorans you've seen. The earings they wear is part of that religion. It's a reality of life on DS9 that is always present. Kira mostly tries not to let it interfere with her job, but don't mistake her lack of overt religious displays for lack of faith.
Everyone loves the Klingon chef. I wish we'd gotten more of him in the series. Sadly, while the Klingon restaurant does get mentioned periodically, it doesn't appear on screen very often in the show. People much more often have scenes at Quarks or the Replimat when they go out to eat. Still, he's a legendary DS9 minor character. He made an outsized impact on me for as little as we got of him.
It was DS9 that finally put the ferengi on the map
33:44sec he's gonna Lovvve that 1 episode with garak and sisko if you know you know
Love your enthusiasm and your reactions. Keep on keeping on, fam. DS9 is my favorite Trek with Below Decks a close 2nd now.
I would love to have known someone like you back when DS9 first aired. I have one very strong recommendation for you. I don't expect you to actually do this, but you only get to see these shows for the first time once. You should find an old but decent CRT television for DS9 and Voyager. Enterprise looks fine on modern televisions, but to really enjoy DS9 and Voyager at their best you should use the tech these shows were made for. They would probably look good on an older plasma tv as well. Enjoy your upcoming camping trip in the gamma quadrant. I hear the locals are quite friendly. 🙂
I mentally adjust the dialogue in Playing God into them using the wormhole to transport the baby universe into an uninhabited subspace layer into which it can expand harmlessly. Just leaving it on the other side of the galaxy to worry about later seems…completely insane.
There's an episode that is quite some time away, though I think you're going to love it. It's one where there are a number of scenes between Garak and Sisko. I think most people who watch the show know which episode I'm talking about.
His name is MORN! Please stop with the Frank.
Anyone think the "little universe" is the Kurtzman universe? 😜
Love being on this journey with you❤
This video is genuinely inspiring! ♦ "Embrace your aspirations with unshakable determination.."
Ma Queese? 😅 Okay. He doesn't know yet and skipped several relevant TNG episodes. No prob.
You really need to keep a journal of your puns, plays on words, and dad jokes. Turn it into a little book. They are epic and really quite clever. Trilling even!!! 😜😂😁 Good news ( no spoilers) you're going to go deeper in to Jadzia's past and the Trill people as you will each of the characters and their people. Perhaps more than any other series DS9 takes you on a journey of exploration into the various cultures represented by their characters. It's why this show is so multifaceted. You go deep into the main characters but also their cultures. Much more to come. You won't be disappointed.
I'm wondering why you didn't watch all The Next Generation
Quark is an interesting character. He has his rules and values and lives by them. But within those he really can have a heart of gold.
The best term I can apply to Quark is "Lovable rogue".
Great couple of episodes. As regards the Ferengi, the idea they are `deeply misunderstood' is probably meant to be comic. But what I think DS9 shows is they are individuals, as Quark shows in the second episode.
Although Garak isn't perhaps a central character for DS9, he's still important and can steal the scene. Would DS9 work without him? Probably. But we'd really be missing that extra element – and kudos for Andrew Robinson for his wonderful portrayal of this complex character.
The dialogues between Odo and Quark are often pure gold. And Garak's `simple tailor' claim is still amusing. It's clear his skills go beyond stitching a garment, and his conversations with Bashir can be great too.
Next episode is Bloodoath, and is freakin awesome for many reasons but mostly cuz they brought back 3 original TOS Klingon actors to reprise their roles
Ollie: "I want more [blank] on DS9…"
Us: "Doooooood, just wait 😊"
0:57 Ah yes, the Mah-Kweez.
Continuity & Production Errors:
PLAYING GOD (IMDb Rating 6.5)
17:32 When Arjin releases the inertial dampeners, the scene cuts from an exterior shot to the inside of the Runabout, where the camera jiggles to simulate turbulence.
The camera actually starts to jiggle on the external shot.
35:07 The ornament on the center of Quark's chest goes from straight, to crooked, and back to straight again.
When Lang pulls out the phaser, it's crooked again, and stays crooked until Lang shoots him. When Quark falls, it's straight again.
42:41 Quark's reaction to Lang's Oo-mox is a bit delayed.
The Maquis have nothing to do with the original series. There's no reason to watch those first two TOS episodes you were talking about
Maquis – it's pronounced ma-key
You might have seen the singing Klingon in something else. He is the 'big barry white looking motherfucker' in the Eddie Murphy classic Trading Places.
Dude, I envy you. Moving into the 3rd Season and beyond, you've got a HELL of a show to look forward too.
14:14 there's two compelling arguments right now, pretty much DS9 in a nutshell. The creator Gene Roddenberry, based on people who knew him, had mixed feelings about this series, according to Majel Barrett, he would be drawn to the war stories because of his experience in WW2, but he shied away from concepts of mysticism and religion, which was a part of the show too. Exploring is at the heart and soul of Star Trek, and there's no series that quite explores different points of view like DS9, they didn't have that cookie-cutter-federation-best-ideal ideal at its core. Great reaction as always
Maquis. The S is silent.
Long before she shot Quark, she shot J.R., It's "Mackey" and she is also Tasha Yar's auntie!
The Cardassian ship was designed by the great Jim Martin, who was illustrator on S2/3, the sunken Bridge look was a giveaway.
Hey Ollie….
The Maquis…..a reference to a French resistance force in WW2 of the same name. It’s pronounced the mah-kee
Don't forget, you still need to watch S06E24 "Second Chances" of The Next Generation, before you get too far into DS9. There will come a DS9 episode that will make no sense if you don't watch "Second Chances" first. You'll be very disappointed if you skip it.
"Garak, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." [cue Marseillaise]
When I heard "abusive", I had a thought.
What if the previous host, was sexualy abusing the trainee (future host of the trill) and it never came out and eventually that trainee became the new host.
The Trill would have memories of those deviant thoughts of the moments he was carrying out the rape, and it would also have the memories of the new host of that exact moment of the host getting raped. 🤯
Would the Trill be considered guilty of raping themselves if it ever cames to light?
Would they realise the error of their ways and reform, from having the memories of the victim and therefore being able to empathize with the victim?
Could they be forgiven for that? What would the punishment be? Maybe no more new hosts for you and we let you die?…but then lose all the knowledge of all the previous hosts and lives it's lived.
It's a conundrum for sure.
Ollie? would it be a spoiler to recommend you watch a certain TOS episode before you watch a certain episode from DS9 season 5? i'll only name the titles so you can see how the 2 episodes are connected 🙂
Playing God: Sisko went from using a stun setting on the Cardassian voles to using the kill setting. So, even while he struggles with the choice whether or not to destroy a potentially intelligent life form in a proto-universe, because of the sanctity of life when it is "sentient", he still views other biological life-forms as disposable and deserving of extermination. Interesting. (Disappointing, but interesting.)
You lost your Canadian card for not automatically knowing how to pronounce Maquis.
im really glad to see your success – it must be going a long way to helping with tuition fees. Love your trek episodes! Keep it up – youve got years of this work trek goes for ever. It never dies!
As good as Profit and Loss is, the greatest Garak-episode of Season 2 is still to come.
5:20 I love that you can tell it is cardassian because it has the same face marking as the Cardassians.
You have to watch the episode with Jake, Nog and the Dominion 🙂
All I will say for the season finale is, be prepared to be shocked in a bad way
Natima not only shot Quark, but she also shot J.R. as well.😉
Profit and Loss takes a little inspiration from Casablanca.
Thr Sisko finally understands The Borg 😊
Thanks, Oliver! 🤑 Cheers to the directors of those episodes, David Livingston and Robert Wiemer.
Complete this sentence. Quark is,
A) Honor
B) Able
C) Honorable
D) A or B
If you make it to Voyager, you will get something kinda sorta similar to a “Quark as god” episode.