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Star Wars: Rey CANCELED? She-Hulk CANCELED! Nerdrotic ATTACKED! The Real BBC @MauLer @HeelvsBabyface

Welcome to Bagging, Boarding, and Chatting. The Comic Book Show with Gary from @nerdrotic, Az from @HeelvsBabyface and @MauLerYT
#Hollywood #Disney #marvel

Produced by @XrayGirl_ from @pourchoices_
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0:00 – Introduction
3:20 – Hello to Panel
12:08 – Gina Carano
46:04 – Star Wars
2:11:04 – She Hulk News
2:25:00 – Super Chats
3:13:25 – Outro


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29 thoughts on “Star Wars: Rey CANCELED? She-Hulk CANCELED! Nerdrotic ATTACKED! The Real BBC @MauLer @HeelvsBabyface

  • I was trying to scan through and find the Netflix Grand Moff Tarkin joke but can’t find it. Anyone got a time stamp on it?

  • My first time watching a live stream from nerdrotic and I have to ask, is xray girl dumb or is it an act? 😂

  • I blame the aholes that trashed prequels…Lucas sounds great now huh?

  • "We're all been there…"

    Er, so was Mauler the male prostitute? 🤔

  • Global News is not 100% state funded, that's the CBC. Global News is owned by Corus Entertainment (private company), but does receive small amounts of funds from the Government for Canadian content. But this funding is similar to funding that all media and movies receive from the government. Generally any movie of tv show filmed here receives grants to entice production companies here for "cheaper" production.

  • Gannouncement = Gay announcement…so yeah, that works perfectly for Disney.

  • i doubt most normies will even have a clue who the mandelorian and grogu are. and i think its great star wars theory or what ever he's called has finally come out of the closet and embraced who he really is , one of us, one of us, one of us !

  • My eyes were off the screen an I look up thinking someone was snorting coke only to see Az wrapping his head in bubble wrap.

  • of coarse it makes total sense for the lefties to wear look at me clothes then complain about being looked at !. im no Abrams fan but it was a fools errand taking on the rise of skywalker job it impossible to make a satisfying entertaining final movie after the damage the last jedi did to the story . i hope the vast millions JJ earnt was worth it as its killed his reputation fairly or not !

  • Dammit — its like 'kids' today (yes im genx) never heard the simon+garfunkel song "america" in the usa ffs 😉 love*

  • Maulers silence as AZ rages like a man baby at troons… Volumes…

  • "yeah the panderverse should have went harder" of course it should have but since it was nothing more than a hit piece on Kathleen Kennedy the two others just as responsible didn't get the amount of mockery she did… ppl want to believe those guys that make SP are free to make fun of who they want but believing that lie is as stupid as you thinking any of this Military Operation on the General Public is going to change…. it won't, EVER…. until of course once the lights get turned off and the REAL Reset starts..

  • My Asians restaurant waiter says, 'R' in cancer is the same as 'L' cancel. 1:03:27 Rey D'ho Gaga with baby 0w0 Grogu saying, "gah gah googoo." 1:30:08 my favorite to rewatch is close encounter of the 3rd kind.

  • Godzilla cost 15 mil. She Hulk went over 200 (that we know of). Where did the money go??

  • I think that one girl feels unsafe because she's afraid they'll make her get on the treadmill.

  • Irony: A "Non-Binary cosplayer" is already cosplaying by being "non-binary"

  • Utter nonsense about Gina. I bet if they went up to her, she gladly give them her autograph. So ladies did you love your little spot light?

  • Disney dont care about about good movies anymore they just want a good ESG score because Blackrock will bail them if needed.

  • Being upset = being assaulted now a days
    If someone hurts your feelings, they might as well punch you in the face

  • For Steven Spielberg it's Jurassic Park and Temple of Doom

  • Authoritarian government tactic?? Nerdrotic is the same as the woke people spinning the narrative to push his agenda.
    As far as I know USA is a capitalist country that uses propaganda better than every other country in history.
    Invading Arabs to steal oil in favor of US oil companies oh and stealing gold reserves of Iraq, Afghanistan. Creating Al-Qaida and ISIS who were responsible for large amount of killings all that just to serve Oil corporations
    So lets call it as it is it is Corporate propaganda tactic, USA is a country that belongs to corporations not to "Authoritarian government"

    What a entrepreneur begging for donations reeling to the society aren't you suppose to be self sufficient mr. beggar??
    Shut up with you politics already!! Don't want to listen to woke propaganda don't want to listen to corporate BS propaganda as well!

  • You guys should show Lana Redbich some respect. Disney will probably cast her as Cyclops in their upcoming X-Men projects. 😁

  • All TV networks in Canada are state funded. My tax dollars at work…..

  • Random inspiration, I hope someone uses it – A comedy about women lawyers called "Ill Mary-sue you"

  • Gina is a strong female, but Disney doesn't like the strong ones that don't tow the company line. So, too strong if anything.

  • I can't believe pppeople still believe Hollywood fraudulent history, yes people have been exposed none stop lies presented as truth , as a great mam once if you are to tell lies over and over again the none thinking victims then believe iy to be trugh .
    It's as if he could predict the future.

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