Steam Deck OLED Review – OMG
The New Steam Deck OLED is awesome.
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Lord Gaben does it again
The audio is a bit too quiet, the commentary especially.
It's bad that all those things can not be connected to each other platforms and to play online together.
Pretty awesome upgrades! Great review! Sucks you still cannot charge while it is inside the case though…big overlook on their part again.
I would expect nothing less from the company that made halflife, steam, and dota. I feel like valve is such an underrated company.
Only one
First one
Интересно сколько в российских сетевых магазинах будет стоить oled на 1тб. При том что он не подорожал. Думаю у нас подорожает)))
Now a bit more perfirmance witha even larger battery that would be sick
Oled handhelds are so perfect.
Should i buy this or rog ally?
Hoping for a newer version with the Snapdragon new in house SOC for PC's only issue would be Windows optimizing for ARM same with games
I highly doubt an Etched Glass will turn a OLED into a OLCD. An etched glass cannot really reduce the OLED down to a LCD like a downgrade. If that was the case would that make the OG Deck a Minus LCD?
They went all out with the upgrade, but I've bought so many accessories to customize mine from the original look and feel that I'm going to wait for (hopefully) a next gen Steam Deck
Next version has to have a modern 3d display, that would be incredible.
So the new steam deck oled
Base model doesn't have oled😅
Loving my Asus Ally. Modded GTA 5 and MW3 at 90FPS is better.
First generation is stronger… the only thing the new version of a steam deck has; more storage, OLED. Nothing else really.
the demonstration with the screen protector was a perfect way to illustrate the anti-glare coating. and how glass screen protectors negate that anti-glare coating. – one of the reasons i got the original steam deck 256gb version and i used a dbrand screen protector.
Bye legion go