Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Stop them using your WiFi! #shorts #android #iphone #wifi

You can easily find devices on your home network (WiFi and Wired) using Fing (and then block them).

Get a 25% discount for 6 months on a Fing Premium plan (expires 31 Dec 2024) using my link:

Big thank you to Fing for sponsoring this video.!

#android #iphone #wifi


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

30 thoughts on “Stop them using your WiFi! #shorts #android #iphone #wifi

  • Apartments are so close together in my building neighbors can easily share a wireless connection between a half dozen household. That should not be unlawful but somehow Verizon and Comcast and AT&T had Congress pass rules to make it so.

  • Does it block devices by MAC address? if so, most phones today have dummy mac address so this won't work

  • The benefit of just bit by bit slowing down the connection is that one decrease risk of triggering a counter reaction.. 🐸

  • Can you do a video on what is to protect yourself when you’re not the admin of the router that you use at home. Meaning your roommates are in control of it, but you don’t want them seeing or toying with your web traffic/search results. Just overall way that you can protect yourself and your mobile device.

    Also capabilities of Apple TV three and 4K and then nefarious things that can be done with them because I swear if I get asked to login one more time…. It’s gonna look like the office space.

    Much Appreciated helpful videos, as always

  • You can't ban someone from your network with application on you PC!!! This is misleading!!! You can get only notification from your app! To ban someone from network you must do it ON THE ROUTER!!! not from the desktop application.

  • My ISP (Charter/Spectrum) gives me this for free. I get connection notifications, ability to block, set schedules for devices, etc and it just comes with the internet. I’m not sure this app adds any additional functionality.

  • Is it using MAC adress blacklist or ip blacklist ?

  • I've been using fing for a long time (free version) and the desktop app sucks, they should have a docker container image or similar so we could run them 24/7

  • How much do you spend per month david for alll this hacking stuff?

  • SO CONNECT a DEVICE with a program "FING" that will record your data and all MAC addresses and this is somehow more secure then just auditing your own router. WTH. It says so in the app's dev page….. So YEAH NO!
    Why David? this is the data broker age… trust is minimal for these ad videos wth.

  • Fing records all your mac addresses and stores data on you…. Sorry we live in a data broker world!

  • Dynamic mac addresses makes this much less useful.

  • Does the Fing software need to be running on a pc that’s constantly connected in order to work and block devices?

  • I Have a router that give me some advanced features in my gateway!!! It gives me the full topology of my network

  • Where the * is this functionality on opnsense – unless you want to send your traffic to zenarmor???

  • Good one a few days back )))) when my phone rang people without me doing anything

  • No thanks, i can already do that from my router's configuration.

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