Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Study with me | 4.5 hours Pomodoro | (CCNA/CCNP/CCIE) [Day 42/110]

Day 42 of 110 days until my CCIE EI lab attempt.
Please feel free to give any feedback (Quality, background sound etc.) so I can improve the quality of these videos.

Background info:
Country: Australia
Age: 26
Job: Network Engineer
What am I studying for? Studying to complete the CCIE EI exam
What is the CCIE exam? Highest Cisco/industry level certification for those in the network engineering,security and data centre field.
Here is a good write up on the exam, it is an old article, but not much has changed since then to now–talk-about-a-stress-test.html

For those that are in college and want to do network engineering/IT, please feel free to AMA! 🙂



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