T-Mobile to Pump $4 Billion into 4G LTE Network
T-Mobile USA said it would spend $4 billion on its wireless network to offer the high-speed fourth-generation mobile broadband service known as LTE.
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4g lte
tmobile is top now 5 years changed alot
In my honest opinion prolly 10 Years ago. T-MOBILE had a slower connection, as far as data speed .but Now in my personal reasons its Totally rejuvenate Its platsforms in new modify equiptments !™ ican say its 95 % in the usa nationwide Great coverage ..signal/speed/ it all depends on the heandsets©¿ It will get better on the Year16 all ican say its gets better and better plus buying Metro should be on 3place ..!!! Its Top priority its not been in 1 place But for costumers nationwide to be happy with there services I (( ihave a mid range smartphone One Touch fierce 4G and am in the State of Texas decided to Tried there Lte"s all ihave to say am. Very Impressively!!!!! Bosstmobile/metropcs/virginmobile/straigtalk/ all those prepaid sevices its okay But Thousand of people. Buy handsets. /plans but for the long run The appropiatte network coverage its ((Not settle by the Network))) now Ibeen with Tmobile iam not complaning! Impressively happy dont let bad rummors fool you©. Double check coverage||| check Your device compatibility||| check with costumer service that its 100 reliability services un to whom it ever will be .simple
Angel…. stop sounding so uneducated and naive!
Tmobile sucks they have the worst coverage everywhere I had sprint I had signal in the middle of nowhere literally
Just got my LTE update here in San Diego, sweet!!
Tmobile is desperate they haven't even got good coverage u leave a city and have edge and no service they just wasting there money trying to roll out lte. They need to get better coverage first.
No she brings nothing to trouble
you're a girl.. so jealous much?
The galaxy note 2 has lte on tmobile so coming soon
T-Mobile will be putting LTE-Advance, capable of 100mbps, compared to LTE. LTE-A is real 4G. They are skipping LTE. While others will have to start later on.
By the time tmobile gets it together with LTE others will probably be on 5G
Tmobile sucks I'm going back to AT&T
Personally I think that Carly needs to go. She is bringing nothing to Tmobile
@rwalford1979 Yea but at least i can get something on T-mobile. Sprint oversells their network. I can never get more than .7mbs on 3g all bars. On 4g I get around 1mbs. Sprint needs to stop overselling it's network:/ SPRINT PLEASE FIX YOUR NETWORK!!!