Technical Oversight Committee 16th July, 2024
TOC: Amelia, Beyhan, Chris, Ruben, Stephan
Chris Clark, Sylvain Kalache, Ram Iyengar, CFF
Danail Branekov, SAP SE
Stephen Greenberg
Review actions from last week
CF on Kubernetes Update
Korifi release 0.12.0
More CF API endpoints supported
User-provided services now support objects as credentials
What’s next
Experimental managed services support
User Management and UAA Compatibility Mode
Increased CF Role Support
Question: customer wants GA for korifi
What does it mean to be GA?
What does support mean?
Ruben: these things exist if a vendor wants to offer it, but the OSS itself does not offer it.
From an open source perspective you can release a 1.0.0, and announce strategies for breaking changes.
Stephan: documentation, esp related to the other CF. API looks the same, but isn’t. Recommend the company to engage with the project.
Beyhan: Gesupe was collecting a list of items required for GA.
Danail: Everyone has different ideas for what GA is.
Beyhan: would be cool if you could run CATs against korifi so everyone could see the status of what korifi supports.
CloudFoundry GitHub community board
Any other business
Discuss the issue with and (Beyhan)
CFF accounts to publish light stemcells in CN AWS (Beyhan)
Linux Foundation, and top 30 open source project velocity:
[Amelia] Review vacations days and decide which meetings to cancel
Cancel: July 30, Aug 13, Aug 20
👏 excellent job taking vacation everyone
[Chris C or Ram] Remove July 30, Aug 13, Aug 20 from the TOC meeting calendar
Create a community issue to clarify the responsibilities for the (Ruben) and (Beyhan) (Beyhan)
Check on CN AWS account sponsored by CFF (Chris)
by Cloud Foundry
linux foundation