TechTalk With Solomon S16 Ep10: 5G vs 4G, World Fastest Driverless Train, Mega Solar Park in Dubai
በዚህ ፕሮግራም ላይ ስለ 4G እና 5G ልዩነቶች፣ በዓለማችን ላይ የመጀመሪያ ስለሆነው ፈጣን ነጂ አልባ ባቡር፣ እንዲሁም በዱባይ እየተገነባ ስላለውና የዓለማችን ትልቁ ስለሚሆነው የሶላር ፓወር ፕላንት አስቃኛችኋለሁ።
On this episode, I will bring you the difference between 5G and 4G, world’s fastest and first autonomous train, and Dubai solar power plant that will be world’s biggest when completed.
5g vs 4g