Terraform Code Review: Module Structure & Design Review (on OpenStack)

My first audience code review! Thanks to a friendly internet stranger who was willing to let me review their code and publish it to YouTube!

Send me a GitHub link to review your code and I’ll do the same for you!

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Keep the knowledge flowing!


by Azure Terraformer


6 thoughts on “Terraform Code Review: Module Structure & Design Review (on OpenStack)

  • Excellent explanation of the different version constraints. I've been reading the docs number of times and I did not get that until I learned it from you.:)

  • thank you so much 🙂 could you please post the github link for the repo. thanks

  • Thanks, lots of useful insights on how to structure a main vs. a module!

  • I use terraform with google and the way we do the secgroups/firewall is to add tags to the instances (ie tag = ssh , http) and set the target tags for the secgroup/firewall resource to that/those tags names.

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