thank Microsoft, Intel, Google and China for Linux

You would not have Linux as it is today without massive companies putting money and dev time in to it.
And most if not all of that money comes from closed source code.
Using Linux make you still under the thumb of the people you are trying to run from!

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by Kent’s Tech World

linux foundation

34 thoughts on “thank Microsoft, Intel, Google and China for Linux

  • This is one of the reasons I never understood Lundukes beef with the Linux Foundation. Most of the development of Linux has been corporate driven for probably over 2 decades now. The Linux Foundation hasn't been that relevant of a player in years.

  • Linux is funded and maintained by massive corporations and governments. Well, that's great, but when Microsoft starting integrating non-removable malware/adware/spyware into their OS I was done with Windows.

  • I'd argue that this is a mind boggling take..

    I'd say that all these companies would not exist as they do to today without the 'Linux' kernel.
    Or any other software distributed in a shared way…

    In fact they have had to incorporate it into their ecosystem to be able to grow as a company.

    It is true that it would be different without their support.
    However it is not vital for the open/sharing of code/resources community(s)!.

    For development.
    Information>knowledge>creativity>product manufacturing.
    Is key.

    This is key for cheap and widespread progress for all humans..
    Sure economics matter to,
    thou I'd put that as a secondary requirement.

    Software based on binary/secret/closed code is always going to have to pay for their progress.
    Thus they are forced to put economics first..
    AND thus they lose in the long run.

    Some thoughts/opinions from a ASD/HYPER alien identifying as a white male on Earth.


    🌱.. .. .


  • The only thing Microsh*t does with Linux is to steal from it. Spyware 11 is nothing more than Spyware 10 with slightly modified Plasma 5.

  • Watch naive Linux fans freak out when they learn that all these Linux distros are being developed in VSCode – from Microsoft….uploaded to github- from Microsoft….supported financially through the Linux foundation- funded by Tencent and Huawei….with the main beneficiary being Linus Torvalds, who has been known to visit -communist leaders from China….with Chinese state hackers using Linux backdoors to target -Western democracies.

  • Honestly, fail to see the point
    Obviously all those companies support Linux because their servers are running on it
    If anything, it makes Linux even more awesome because instead of investing into their in-house solutions those companies opt to supporting open source Linux instead

  • We can thank AT&T and Unix for Linux to be fair here, when the Unix wars kicked off with all of it's spinoffs and software that didn't work across the various different Unix versions, the stage was set for Linux.
    Linux appeared as a small operating system and was adopted as a solution free from license boobytraps and the mess that the various Unix clones in the war had, and could be unified for hardware and software.
    So the reason the big corporations are onboard today and they are kept in check by Linux and their own version of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) is that one corporate entity can't cease control of it.
    If they happened or tried, they would risk the same mess that the Unix wars created all over again.
    But yes, corporations control the head of the Linux kernel, but they are all eyeing each other and have to play their cards in the open for everyone to see.

  • I don’t care that the companies work on it. I care about my data privacy and freedoms. If I don’t want to use OneDrive/edge, then I shouldn’t have to. I think very few people use Linux to avoid Microsoft altogether. Rather, most use Linux for either a specific use case like servers, or for similar reasons to my own.

  • Even for a "decentralized" operating system, the decisions for these big projects will eventually be down to a few huge companies/entities providing the majority of driver support not because they're nice, but because they'd lose money if they didn't have those drivers for hardware essential to their products/service value. While the kernel itself technically is at max supposed to be 200k SLOC in the assembly of choice for an OS of some featureful nature, the rest of the 35M+ lines come down to drivers that make it possible for you to use that fancy $5 membrane keyboard, $1200 GPU, or $350 RGB gamer mouse at all.

    Unfortunately, if you want a truly "personal computing" OS, you either trust that a mentallyIll (Terry A.Davis – TempleOS) or obnoxious sophomoric (Sam Smith – Serenum) person made the OS correctly for your needs and that's IF the hardware is compatible at all, let alone the software binaries. Sure, you say "I could write my own, it's easy enough", but at that point, you'd rather do arts and crafts to get more use out of your precious time.

  • The Microsoft account push from windows 11 got me into Linux. Even steam works pretty good. It will take a learning curve but so far it works pretty good. Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

  • so you mean you cant thank finland? Linus is finnish and started the whole shit 😀

  • OK, this is clearly the "Linux is no good, go back to Windows" site.
    But, regardless of who develops Linux note the following:
    With Linux I do not have to have my software activated and can, thus, use legacy versions if I so wish.
    I do not have adverts appearing during my general work on my laptop.
    I do not have massive telemetry I cannot turn off (another update can turn it back on)
    I do not have Microsoft deciding, without my permission, to copy my data over onto OneDrive.
    I do not have Microsoft encrypting my data for me and telling me how my data will be encrypted at great risk of my data being lost if there is a need to re-install.
    I do not have the horrors of AI 'recall' spying, with the CPU overhead as well.
    I could go on and on.
    Of course Microsoft and China et al will help develop Linux. It suits their needs. Open source means open and Linux is a multi-purpose OS and Microsoft needs it for the cloud. But I am far from under the thumb of Microsoft here.

  • You should have a talk with Lunduke… 🙂

  • What should we do? Should we continue to use Windows and Mac? We can choose one is not too bad from the bad only

  • I will always be grateful to Microsoft, if they did not make windows so unpleasant to use I would never have tried Linux. Free and open source, privacy and all the other buzzwords mean nothing to me, I use Linux because I enjoy using it 🙂 and it runs reasonably well on older hardware (like cheap 2nd hand workstations). Anyway great channel, I like your content Kent 😉

  • I have always stated that I run Linux because I prefer it. No other reason.

  • May the force be with you, Kent 🙂
    Interesting that some people still think a small team of free/not payed people can create such a huge software.
    Thanks for clarifying for everybody.

  • Really? You speak as if you've discovered a secret that no one else knows. Everyone is aware of that. Your lecturing tone makes you sound ridiculous. BTW, we love CHINA and RUSSIA, and we hate no one.

  • One thing they forget.
    Linux became mainstream on mobile because of Android, Android is big because of Google backing its independent developers and buying it from them.

    Big tech and companies made Linux the same way they made Windows and iOS.

  • So if all these major corporations, big financial donors, etc, are behind the development of Linux, then why after all these years does the Linux desktop (mainly Gnome, but they're all guilty to some extent) still look like a graduate comp-sci student project? Why does Linux still look like Windows circa mid to late 90's? Can't all these people with all their money make a gui for Linux that looks like a modern workspace and not an amateurish toy? Yes, I realize it's just appearances. What's underneath is no toy. But why is it so hard to get a distro to ship with a gui that looks like a modern OS?

  • on reddit i was downvoted to hell and called names for saying that EVs aren't much better for the einvironemt compared to traditional cars

  • They are contributing because it makes monetary sense

  • ow no the shock and here i thought developers grew on tree's XD

    reality is that there comes a time when we all just need to touch some grass

  • Hahaha… Thanks Microsoft for pushing me to Linux and making Linux better for me to use! 👍 Awesome Job… 👏
    LLAP 🖖

  • It is nice to see you active again – the reason why you stopped posting is not my business but this is a relief to see you active again 😀 – you are the best to vulgarise these topics

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