The Better Photoshop Alternative?

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Download Krita for other Platforms ►► https://krita.org/en/download/krita-desktop/
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(* All Amazon Links are affiliated. That means that I get a small cut of revenue if you buy something, without any additional costs.)


🎵 Music from StreamBeats by Harris Heller.


► Chapters:

00:00 – Gimp, the most recommended Alternative
00:48 – The Problems of Gimp
01:22 – What is Krita and how does it work?
02:54 – Imporing Images and Transforming in Krita
04:09 – Adding Strokes and Drop Shadows
04:24 – Cutting out Images
04:52 – Gimp vs Krita
05:26 – Conclusion


► Description Tags:

gimp vs krita, krita vs photoshop, photoshop alternatives, photoshop alternatives for linux, photoshop alternatives for chromebook, how to make thumbnail in krita, krita vs gimp for photo editing, krita vs gimp vs photoshop, open source photo editing software, open source drawing software, michael horn

#linux #presonus #focusrite


by Michael Horn

linux download

35 thoughts on “The Better Photoshop Alternative?

  • Krita InKscapenand Kdenlive are really great editors that can cover image, vectors and videos.
    I think KDE only needs an audio editor to cover every media content editor.

  • For me, Krita has a much slower startup time, but I'm going to need vector graphics for my game, so I'll give it a shot and see how well I can learn it. From the half second interrogation of the menus, it appears as though Krita uses Python for scripting, and while I hate Python, I hate it less than LISP, regardless of which variant GIMP is using, because I hate all LISP's.

  • Which GIMP plugins would you recommend for photo editing (if you think it's necessary to install them in the first place)?

    Thank you for the video, btw! I wish I could learn how to use both right now, but I'll stick to GIMP since I'll focus on photo editing

  • Nice video but my curiosity is pretty strong; what Window decoration in KDE are you using throughout the video? It looks fairly similar to Colloid / Adwaita.

  • your videos are getting better day by day, keep up, we support you.

  • Ciao, i'm using The Gimp since late 1998, created my first desktop wallpaper under debian with it.. so here we go, in 2023 i've created my newest desktop wallpaper again with? the Gimp šŸ˜‚ many greetings from brunswick in germany and please stay safe šŸ™ƒ

  • I love Inkscape and Photoshop. As someone who prefers open source software I use Inkscape privately and Photoshop for work related stuff, okay, sometimes I retouch some of my taken photos with them as this is the best use case for Photoshop. Never used Krita before, but heard of it, so might give this program a try soon. Thanks for sharing this video.

  • What about Inkscape? How does it compare to Krita, since both are vector graphics software?

  • With Krita it's important that you have GMIC which is in appimage or flatpak version.
    I also work with Inkscape alongside Krita where I copy-paste from one to another.
    Sometimes I use Blender, Figma and online AI tools (bg ai remover, dall-e and midjourney).

    From my experience, you can create ANY kind of design/art with Linux apps:

    Krita, Gimp, GMIC, MyPaint, ImageMagick and Blender!

  • Personally I use Photopea, its just works. I tried GIMP, and its so hard to learn.

  • while most professionals preffer photoshop over gimp for image manipulation i found that most people who draw preffer krita

  • What? Kirta doesn't take anything from Gimp.
    I'm self prefers Gimp UI over Ps / Krita. Inkscape is for SVG.
    In gimp you can press "/" to show up Command Pallet – a pop up window that allows you to search in gimp menus.
    Command Pallet is also possible in Inksape by pressing "?" (shift + "/")
    For me every app should have command pallet.

  • I was actually needed a program that could do vector graphics a couple of weeks ago when I was modifying old flash games. Wish I would have known about this.

  • long live to Photopea

  • The open source area misunderstands standards.
    We don't use Photoshop or Office because we like Photoshop or Office. We use it because it's the standard. This might not be an issue in personal use, but for work it is. You don't get to choose what software you use. The company/customer uses the standard, you use the standard, because it's the standard.
    Only Blender has broken this paradigm because it was simply so much superior compared to alternatives, companies switched to it, so did the customers, and finally everyone.
    Note: I fortunately don't have to use the cancer named Photoshop because Figma exists and it fulfills my job needs. I sincerely hope something else overtakes Photoshop so we can be done with Adobe.

  • Apart from the Qt interface which I heavily dislike, even as a drawing-centered raster editor, its UI/UX feels superior to GIMP. If it wasn't for PhotoGIMP, I would also be using Krita as my main graphics editor.

  • do you think Krita can be a good alternative to PaintDotNet? loved it on Windows but now I'm having a hard time adapting to GIMP.

  • I am waiting for a new RUST based new image editor that has AI tools that can rival Photoshop..

  • Love the tux thumbnails šŸ˜‚

  • Yeah i actually loved krita since the first time i saw itt its the best Photoshop alternative i ever used

  • GIMP is terrible, We need something better for Photo Editing that's not GIMP.

  • I use the Acly plugin with Krita as well to give Krita the equivalent of Photoshop's Generative Fill thanks to the use of Stable Diffusion running locally on your machine!

  • Unless Adobe finds someway to natively support Linux, had been using Krita as a good alternative. For game development and graphic design tasks, it's been been pretty good. The only downside I have with Krita is that when it comes to rendering stuff like Normal Maps, I have to go to GIMP to make one. GIMP on the other hand unless if it's something basic I have to do, I'm not using it…
    A feature I would like Krita to have is to import Photoshop drawing brushes, Clip Studio Paint found a way to import them.

  • Krita rocks! When I dumped Adobe 8 years ago, I needed a high quality digital painting program and GIMP was just too slow with large file sizes. So I gave Krita a try and it runs circles around GIMP for painting/drawing. I still use GIMP for image editing, but Krita is great for art creation.

  • YESSsSsS!
    Krita > GIMP
    I will die on this hill. People sleep on Krita because it is a ā€œdrawing appā€ but it can pretty much do anything that isnā€™t RAW photo processing. But If I wanted to deal with RAW I might still rather look more into stuff like Darktable or Raw Therapee than go GIMPā€¦ ugh

  • My only complaint about krita is that the text editor is a little clunky. This doesn't mean gimp is better, gimp is a tad dated. I like Medibang for it's text editing, for being simple and convenience focused, though you can do more in krita.

  • Iā€™ve been using Keira for a few years now for drawing and I love it! I never thought to recommend it to you like the solo because well like you said itā€™s for drawing not image manipulation. I love Keira so much I supported them by buying it on steam! Good content my man!

  • GIMP is literally identical to Photoshop without the pointless features

  • I don't do any complicated editing so I'm fine with Photopea.

  • YESSSSS ive been saying this for the last two years. as a professional GD, shit like GIMP DOES NOT come close to the power that I can get out of Krita. But because Krita's marketing is focused on painting, people overlook it. But holy shit, does Krita really take PS to town with its parity of features. One of the big things Krita can do that GIMP cannot, you did not even touch on: smart objects. Like photoshop, Krita, can be used to make templates where you can have layers that are other editable files. this is really important for production work.

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