Computer NetworksNETWORKS

The concept of Native Vlan | Vlan and Trunking Part 4

In this video we have discussed that 802.1Q: This is the most common trunking protocol. It’s a standard and supported by many vendors.ISL: This is the Cisco trunking protocol. Not all switches support it..And if a non Cisco’s device gets involved then the 802.1 Q protocol wont tag the traffic and hence it will go to native vlan . When we use the word tagging it means that every data packet is tagged with Vlan ID . So when the switch recieves the tagged traffic on its inbound interface , it strips it off the tag before releasing the data packet from its out bound interface towards its destination host . When the tag is stripped off the packet is left with destination and source address and FCS only . I hope you will enjoy this session . Bless you 🙂


cisco academie