The Internet Has Missed Feelings About The BLACK Wife Effect…

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His Needs Her Needs: https://amzn.to/3bpY5jM
The Rational Male : https://amzn.to/3tOh3Hp
Unfu*k Yourself : https://amzn.to/38zy4xu
How To Win Friends And Influence People : https://amzn.to/397D75D
Predictably Irrational : https://amzn.to/380mGrO
The Alchemist : https://amzn.to/2tyw1bo
Think And Grow Rich :https://amzn.to/3b8KjAh
Outwitting The Devil : https://amzn.to/2RWok8f
The Slight Edge :https://amzn.to/3bdIYbF

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⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️⚠️ I do my best to give credit to the creators/ artist in both the video and a description box of every reaction I do. But because I do not own the rights to any video I react to. If there is a copyright issue or If I have reacted to A video of yours and you would like me to take it down please feel free to reach out to me through email artofkickz@gmail.com and we sort everything out. Thank you.


by A Different Perspective

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24 thoughts on “The Internet Has Missed Feelings About The BLACK Wife Effect…

  • It’s not about style or something as simple as fashion. It’s in how these women love the men and the men reciprocate. The things she says to him- improving his confidence, sharing with him things that will make him a better man. And the difference is that he listens not argues or make her seem like she’s horrible like BM constantly say on every online platform.

  • Asian Men and Black Women Are Not the Least Desirable; but Hey, If that Makes You Feel Better About Yourself Go Right On Ahead Believing A LIE👸🏽🙏🏽

  • They gaslight us when we are appreciated elsewhere is simply hilarious

  • The black woman has always been desirable. It is the ignorant and envious who say the opposite.

  • Now all groups are about to start this trend. Watch what I tell you.

  • Nah, Kanye is a result of the Black girlfriend effect. He even talked about how his Black girlfriend elevated his style. Look up his history. The Kardashian effect is literally the Black woman effect by way of Kanye.

  • These people had deep rooted identity and self acceptance issues long before they got married 😭😂🤣🤣🤣

  • Rotflol I think it’s hilarious. I don’t care who’s, with who long as they happy. They all looked good together. Happiness on any couple will make them look good. But I loved your commentary on it throughout. I’ll say for it to last they better pour into each other. And keep God first.

  • There’s a difference between “building” a style standard in a man who already has his own and “building up” a man who is simply leaching your money, energy and self esteem. I built my husbands style library and we BOTH brought the $$$ to elevate our lives. Previous boyfriends I stupidly tried to build insisted that I build on my dime and he used that style to get lots of side chicks.

    There is a difference.

  • So happy to see black women loved and celebrated by strong protective men. Bm shout out to the world that we are ugly, masculine, no good etc and they reject us 24/7. They should be quiet when it comes to us finding good men who love us!

  • So the black man got a porky pig that he wouldn't breath in the black skin tone.

  • It’s not a trend!!! Black women always elevate their men, it spreading . She was always a winner

  • I've been on this Earth for 61 years Now it's # this # that Find a good human being Because once you start downing your own so called race, no other race is gonna respect that.

  • This is Beautiful…remarried to a Puerto Rican his whole style changed everyone noticed ❤ It is known that as a people men or women we are more compassionate, supportive, and confident. We are crisis managers we can go into chaos and calm the storm or we can bring it!😅…That's the Love and strength our parents instilled in us!

  • After being married for 23yrs, I tell the wife all the time they move faster for the man than you do for me. They playin dress up turning them into their lil project. Ain’t know way I’ll let a woman dress me up. She’ll have you looking like their ex boyfriend

  • What you don't get, AW and BM date out and marry outside their race more than other races, so if AM and BW are the least desired, it's because of the knock on effect of this. Other races tend to date and marry people predominantly of the same race, so it doesn't taken a genius to work out there would be a knock on effect

  • I think the black woman effect has to do with how she "compliments" (looks great as arm candy) her man AND how she "complements" (completes him by pouring into him,) her man.

  • Love this video, thanks for the positive energy that you put into this video made it worth watching, felt like i was watching it for 12mins

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