The Stakes Are Raised When Protecting the Foundation of Computing – Scott Scheferman – PSW #705

With Eclypsium researchers’ discovery of BIOSDisconnect and their upcoming talk and demo at DefCon 29 upon us, the stakes have never been higher when it comes to protecting the foundation of computing at the firmware level. A feature meant to make updating and protecting the firmware easier for users (BIOSConnect) ends up exposing the BIOS to being bricked or implanted with malicious code operating at the highest privilege. Yet another example of the significant vulnerabilities that exist at the firmware level that attackers have been eyeing of late.

Segment Resources:
https://defcon.org/html/defcon-29/dc-29-speakers.html#shkatov https://eclypsium.com/2021/06/24/biosdisconnect/ https://eclypsium.com/2021/04/14/boothole-how-it-started-how-its-going/ https://eclypsium.com/2020/12/03/trickbot-now-offers-trickboot-persist-brick-profit/

This segment is sponsored by Eclypsium.

Visit https://securityweekly.com/eclypsium to learn more about them!

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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/psw705


by Security Weekly

linux foundation

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