The Story Of Hybrid Data Management across heterogeneous storage for Cloud, Core and Edge
Be it any technologies; Be it cloud, edge or on-premise, Data and Data Management are essential services for any solution today. However the challenges due to new technologies, heterogeneous storages, platforms and hybrid environments are mounting. How can we meet these challenges and build a unified data platform that could help us focus on the business solutions without worrying about the data and data management? What are we dreaming and developing under SODA Foundation projects in open source under Linux Foundation?
We will tell you the story of data, challenges, current demands and an open unified data platform which can provide seamless data and storage management across heterogeneous platforms, storages and across cloud, edge and core.
We will have live demos to illustrate some of these solutions working to resolve these hybrid/heterogeneous challenges.
We will also discuss the architecture, technical solutions and future plans towards open data autonomy.
Presented by: Sanil Kumar D, SODA Foundation
by SNIAVideo
linux foundation