The Tech Industry Hates You

White? Male? Straight? Religious? Conservative? Centrist? Big Tech, Tech Foundations, and Open Source Projects hate your guts.

Red Hat / IBM, Microsoft, Mozilla, Linux Foundation… and that’s just for starters.

This is not a fun topic. But it is absolutely critical that we talk about it.

The IBM / Red Hat Leaks: What we’ve learned so far

Red Hat vs Hyprland: Silencing political “undesirables”

Lawsuit filed against Red Hat for racial discrimination

Microsoft executives encourage employees to commit felonies… and then they get promoted

Leaked Microsoft documents reveal effort to “Gender Transition” young children

Mozilla: We need more than deplatforming

We need more than deplatforming

The GNOME 5 Year plan: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Nonexistent PowerPoint Slides

Crazy Tech People Who Hate Lunduke – Part I

In the Hotseat: Black Python Devs Founder


by Bryan Lunduke

linux foundation

30 thoughts on “The Tech Industry Hates You

  • I bet if there the right wing were in the majority they would violently assert their dominance. It has happened before. The years of the Iraq war ? But this is pretty bad. If the whole of computer tech are belonging to a cult, oh no. Brave New world didn't have fully gender converted 3 year olds.

  • Whenever I argue with black supremacists on Quora their last comment ends in an hourglass emoji. Tick tock tick, I guess

  • 33:34 In the interests of not misrepresenting him, you should've mentioned that he said that someone who was unrelated to the tech conference called the police in the area that the tech conference was held, who followed the black person to their hotel.

    Which, while still not anything racist that actually happened at the tech conference, and is literally peripheral to it, is the thing he actually said (my paraphrasing notwithstanding), and not "at some point someone yelled at a person".

  • There is an analog from "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." A similarity can be associated with white men and truth here.

  • In the past five years they've welcomed completely unqualified diversity hires to replace white men they are firing en-masse. While it's become insanely intense in the past five years, they were blatantly discriminating against straight white men 25 to 30 years ago. Back then the discrimination against men was to facilitate artificial promotion of women (with "women helping women", "women in…" and "women only" events which intentionally and clearly illegally excluded men). What has changed over the years is the evolutionary expansion from just sex discrimination against men to sex and race discrimination against white men, then to sex, race, heterosexual, and religious discrimination – all completely illegal and intensely out in the open. We're now at a point where this is starting to abate as they are being exposed and these exposures are legally very actionable.

  • I see the snarky establishment chatbots have found this channel already

  • They operate under the belief system that any negative differences between discernible groups of people must be the result of the repression from some dominant group. They wish to institute ‘restorative justice’ in order to create ‘equity’, or in more simple words they want to discriminate against white people, strait people, men and Christians, particularly those that fall under multiples of these categories.

  • Where was this Lunduke 10 years ago?

  • I remember being told about 'systemic oppression' by my "POC" friends. I never heard of it. The closest I ever experienced was "Are you ok working under a female manager" and my response being "Of course, why does that matter?" Then my friends tell me about racism, and every story of theirs was about a singular individual that was being a punk. They could only point to shadowy conspiracy theories that make Q-Anon today look like well-established journalism with full transparency when it comes to the systemic parts. Now that I'm in their place as the target … it's blatantly obvious they never experienced systemic oppression. Heck it was obvious when I was 13 back in the 90s that I'd grow up to be the most evil thing in all of creation someday, a white middle-aged businessman, and here we are today. Those friends from back then? Only one has taken a step back and acknowledged it.

  • Disturbing, but I'd like to see you go full Alex Jones because I miss Alex's flamboyance.

  • As a leftist I have my own theory about DEI – it is to create division within working class. Divided workforce won't create unions – it will fight amongst themselves. Divide and conquer kind of deal.

  • I think we need to play the long game- instead of giving these lunatics our labour and time, we can just have families. Then in a couple generations they’ll be gone and we can run technology again.

  • I think a lot of this comes down to ESG. A lot of this is a case of the CEO's and founders all going too far in order to prove their bona fides. The culture in these companies has always been left leaning since the 90s due to hiring practices and the fact that the core staff are quite cowardly keeping their heads down which has allowed the "louds" to set the agenda – so in this sector, ESG is pushing against an open door hence the mess it is in. But a lot of companies are cleaning house – some out of necessity others out of choice. As VC money dries up a lot of the louds are being laid off and the delusions of fluffy, bunny, wunny, wabbit land are coming crashing down. The large tech firms are now off-shoring jobs to cheaper parts of the world as many go from a focus on growth to one of return – they also want to clear house of dead wood and the louds (they've done their part, ESG doesn't need them or desire them in the end).

  • “If you think peace is a common goal that goes to know how little you know”

  • the problem is they are trying to solve real racial and sexual orentation injustice but have done it by going *WAY* too far. and its the same for the other side

  • Diversity, except for the people we don't like, Equity except for the people we don't like, Inclusion, except for the people we don't like.

    The trans genocide line is nonsense. Always has been. I fall into alot of those hated buckets. Not a damned thing I can do about most of them. Frustrating to watch the woke types do that bs. It goes against everything I was brought up to believe, and those people are doing it in the name of those ideals. Peak doublespeak.

    It makes me sick. I've long since given up on boycotting stuff like that. they control too much critical infrastructure and software.

  • Watching this all play out over the course of the late 2010s going into the 2020s pushed me away from diving into the tech industry, something I spent most of my childhood wanting nothing more but to do. The ideology that has taken over the industry sickens me and is indistinguishable from a force of evil as far as I'm concerned. Leading up to the end of my time in compulsory school it was the one thing indisputably me, and one of the only avenues of hope I thought I had to define my future. Finding everything I cared about be destroyed by this movement was and continues to be devastating, whether it was tech specifically, or games industry, or every other creative avenues, and I grieve every time I am reminded of it. My life took an entirely different direction as a result but some part of me still hopes for a saving grace to restore my faith in the tech industry so I might one day consider seeking opportunity there again, but that's still a pipe dream afaik. I'm still looking for ways to utilize tech and shield my usage of it in a way rebellious to these forces, but it's very concerning the degree of influence it has on everyday people

  • It's not just tech, it's everywhere. DEI/ESG is deliberately designed to fail and turn the Western world into a 3rd world $hithole. The Left want a 3rd world $hithole because they know a Communist revolution will fail in a 1st world country.

  • Where assigned, all throughout Nature for we male humans (cannot speak re otherwise for not being one of their number) ambi-sexuality will be found. This as well among most of the primates. (Term bi-sexuality is insufficient to the purpose of describing the totality of what ambi-sexuality does, it being more-than.)
    Ambi-sexuality is our Nature-mandated default state of potentiality, which HAS PURPOSE for being. Dare mess with the necessity, and it's — "Houston! We've got a problem!" — guaranteed !
    Not in-the-least is this assertion a matter of mere opinion, being and having been observed, studied and well noted as it will continue to be, 'till Nature commands that it be otherwise. (Expectations and hopes for this occurring near-term, might best be allayed ?)
    The three basic monotheist organized systems of mystical belief all make war against Nature and Naturalism, with results as are well known such as mentioned here.
    As regards 'natural functioning', these three are deadly dangerous and, practice outrageous hypocrisy in hiding that which they certainly do.
    All three equally ARE insane and most cruel.
    (Conversely, the Polytheisms basically describe what Nature is and does, thus requiring of many symbolic entities. They are not at all like the menacing Mystical Trifecta of crazy control and asset confiscating, to say nothing of their perpetual warring. Oh yes!)
    For much directly-relating information consult the volume : "The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations in Human Societies" authored by James Neill, wherein "all will be revealed."
    It is a most distinguished work of research and presentation, having the potential to set ALL amorously/sexually free of taught (inculcated) doubt, guilt, shame and self-loathing.
    > AMAZON Kindle <

  • 23:27 I understand the point you're making here Bryan, but to be fair it's Linus Torvalds… A man not terribly burdened with an abundance of tact and diplomacy

  • Bro got laid off and is making it everyone elses problem.

  • Inclusivity always feel like exclusion to the people who are used to never being discriminated against. I was really enjoying the valid criticisms of how the tech industry operates as a business and then this screed which amounts to “the tech bubble that used to only include people like me is letting black people and the gays into it, it’s gone ‘woke’”. What you’re saying today sounds like what it’d be like if someone 20 years ago or so were saying “they’re discriminating against me for openly talking about how I don’t like gay marriage in front of of gay coworkers, tech has gone PC”.

  • This really reminds me of a Southern US organization that had the identical letters. I wonder if a letter has a reverse like numbers do

  • What is their obsession with "platforming" people? They really think we're going to disappear if they cover their ears, close their eyes, and scream? 🤣

  • I remember even coming up through my CS degree about 8 years ago now professors would tell us about how companies would give preferential treatment if you were a woman or minority.
    You can only imagine the deafening silence in a room that was 95% white men (This was in west Virginia). I dropped out after my first year and became an HVAC technician.

  • Man , I just overpaid 3k on a desktop from System76 just because I wanted to support a "linux company" and now I learn that they hate me . Great .

    Like you , i don't hate anyone , but i don't like people forcing me to praise their ideas or face being called the "intolerant bigot" . We are back to religious purity tests everywhere and sectarian groups pushing for blasphemy laws , yet the people behind it are totally unaware that this is what they have become .

    I really miss when most tech was libertarian and meritocratic . Those communities were actually naturally inclusive , but highly exclusive toward those who wanted to be celebrated for external / ancillary reasons .

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