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The Ultimate CICD Corporate DevOps Pipeline Project

The Ultimate CICD Corporate DevOps Pipeline Project

Zero To Hero [Batch-2 + Batch-3] DevSecOps & Cloud DevOps-

Complete Documentation:

Project Repo:



Time Stamps-

00:00:00 Intro
00:03:54 Understanding the Architecture
00:08:34 Provisioning Servers
00:09:23 Open Ports
00:11:36 Connect To VMs
00:14:07 Setup Jenkins
00:18:11 Setup SonarQube
00:23:10 Setup nexus
00:29:58 Install Plugins & Configure Them
00:41:57 Create Pipeline from scratch
01:00:50 Setup K8 Cluster
01:34:37 Deployment


by DevOps Shack

linux smtp server

24 thoughts on “The Ultimate CICD Corporate DevOps Pipeline Project

  • Aditya bhai bas isme ek step smjh ni aa raha h jis tarha aapne or credentials add kiye hen like git k cred ki need ni Hui kyunki wo public thi but aapne jo docker hun ka psswd diya to wo humko bhi Dena hoga wo kis tarha Kiya jayega ye batadiye bas overall bht shaaaandaaaaaar pipeline h aapki.

  • this tutorial is very good … but bro u forgot to tell that we need to provide our vpc cidr in that kubeadm init –pod command.. that mistake i did but i understood it later 😇

  • whats is the benifit if we are setup jenkins , sonarqube, kubernets in diff server that will raise the cost right ? Instead of can we go all these in a single EC2 in prod any difference

  • Instead of token ,, what i did … i just copied all the details from(root/.kube/config) and paste in local file.
    then i made a credentilal where kind as a secret file and then give path where my file is stored

  • That was quite a workout. Just finished making this. Great video and project. It taught me a lot

  • Sir can we connect over the call need some information about the class join

  • Bro is there option rather than downloading docker and creating image of sonar and nexus in respective servers ,directly downloading sonar and nexus repos without docker images ???

  • Bro, deploying a sample application is okay. Can you please explain how to deploy a Java application or any application that have database connection

  • This video is great, it would have been perfect if you provided us the script that you are using. Believe me it makes the work easier to follow and reduces time for expending our internet resources.

  • on master node you run every steps on 'root user' or you created 'new user' in master node

  • Bro, you are dploying the pod with root access, can you please tell me how to restrict the deployment if POD is having root access, since somebody get pod details and do base 64 decode , they will get all the info, so i want to resgtrict deployment if POD is having root access, can you explai me

  • love you bro❤ let it be long make 5 hours of video no problem we will be stick to it.

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