There's A New Browser (That ISN'T Chrome Based)

Ladybird is…interesting. Not my thing, but cool it exists. Wild to do this “from scratch” and I can respect it.


Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https://t3.gg

S/O Ph4se0n3 for the awesome edit 🙏


by Theo – t3․gg

linux foundation

42 thoughts on “There's A New Browser (That ISN'T Chrome Based)

  • Hell, I don't watch alot of Theo. But man this video is so dogsh*t. He really went for the worst takes you can have.

  • re: gender politics, people are still pissed off with the "main" bs. I'm still upset about that. Because I was on the phone to a friend the other day explaining how to use a monorepo to deploy a Docker-based IaC and the master/main distinction wasted a lot of words and was a distraction. Turns out we're the slave to identity politicians, and it gets people's backs up.

  • This is the meme:

    So which part did you rewrite in Rust, the frontend or the backend?

    What? No, the browser.

  • Sorry, but I will not support anything related to this new fas**st ideology of controlling language.

  • actually in English grammar, the correct pronoun to use for singular, is "it" not "they", "they" is exclusively for plural.

  • well, just like devs of the 1990s and 2000s ignored IE, it is time that we start to ignore Chrome & Chromium based browsers

  • It was political the moment sb wanted to change 'he' to 'they', and no they in reference to one person is not good grammar except some really niche caces like medicine.

  • How could you argue that a politically titled issue is apolitical until the devs point it out? This is a disappointing personal bias. Maybe you disagree with their policy, but acting like they're not upholding that policy with very tame refusal to engage is actually saddening, because it shows that even the most analytical minds of society have fallen so far into depravity.

  • Theo's content becomes less interesting for me with every video :/

  • As of writing, Ladybird has the following dependencies (so yes, it does utilize existing libraries 19:49):




  • I compiled it under WSL2 and got it running after an hour of banging my head on the desk. Can't recall what the exact solution was – maybe installing an X server for windows? For some reason I thought this was going to run natively on Windows. I know… brain glitch there. Then I found some copy on their site basically stating it doesn't work on Windows for now and don't hold your breath (perhaps I'm imagining that last part). No loss since it's a giant piece of garbage that's likely used as a tax shelter for the non-profit "backers". Save yourself the time and give it about 5 years… when you'll have discovered it went the way of BeOS.

  • I never comment on Youtube, but that video is so full of shit takes that I had to say something. I'm not trying to be mean, but the guys behind this project are obviously a lot more talented than you (and I) are, and yet you have a condescending tone throughout the whole video. You don't even take a step back to think about what good this project could bring to the table, or at least how impressive it is from a technical standpoint. It's kind of baffling and infuriating to hear you spit on the work of some people who are trying to impact the platform you're working on in a good way…

  • bro decided his entire opinion about the project based on that 1 github issue

  • This whole video just sounds like he's salty because of the "they/them" fiasco and just decided to nitpick on a dev build of a mostly hobbyist project lol

  • Politics and this gender nonsense should be out of software development.

    I jad redis in my servers
    I upgraded and had to change all configs from master to whatever they changed to

    This happened when BLM was a hot topic.
    Never gone back to Redis.
    The maintainer who did not accepted the change of pronouns did good.
    We can not be butthurted because the wrong pronoun was used.

  • How tiring is it that correct grammar is somehow "woke politics". Yeah, maybe you should awaken to *grammar*. At the same time, I wholeheartedly support a project that breaks corporate monopolies, and perhaps restores some sort of HTML and JS neutrality to the net. Chromium-specific things have become what early WebKit stuff was, and the JS API features are actually harmful.

    Yeah, you can complain about Safari not following suit (and there are very valid complaints about not being able to update WebKit component framework for old OSs) but giving Google the upper hand here is not the position anyone actually will want in the future.

  • Imagine hating on Firefox. Jesus Theo, get off your high horse. You're spittin' L after L get real buddy.

  • I think it is a good idea to have more engines because right now, the specs are kind of holding back because there are ONLY 3 implementations (V8, Gecko/SpiderMonkey, WebKit). It is a really gigantic task on its own and also to make all the backward compatibility will be painful.

  • Should have used the Firefox engine. Also won’t work. Microsoft spent millions on trying to build a web standards engine

  • It's weird you say it's not political
    because judging by how you've reacted it's either very political or you are really really into English, which is obviously not the case

  • it's wild how everyone in the comment section got tilted by the 'they/them' pr lmao

  • praising bun (funded project) while putting down ladybird (only donations btw) is crazy

  • can you block people on github?
    i want to block everyone with pronouns in their bio

  • he couldn't let the pronoun thing go
    isn't neutral gender "they/them" is one of the genders?
    so technically you are not avoiding using agendered language now are you?

  • Now I doubt that he knows how does web browser really works, he only knows react.

  • How could an unfinished hobby browser made by a handful of people be slower than multi-billion backed Chrome!?!? Looks like bad development to me.

  • I largely do not care about the "gender language" in any program or comments to code.
    As long as it is consistent through the whole thing.
    "He" everywhere is fine. "She" everywhere is also fine. "They" would also be great.
    But changing from "he", to "she", and later on to "they" or "it", I just stop reading. Like, WHO are we talking about here!?
    Just keep it consistent… That is all I, personally, ask for.

  • The only one who make it political is you. The devs did nothing wrong. About the performance: we're talking about a pre alpha and you judge it as it would be a finished product.

  • Very funny how Theo makes so many political comments, while the developers just dont want any changes with political debates in them…

  • it reminds me of that guy who decided to make a toaster for scratch, collecting every material and processing them himself

  • Ladybird is independed from Serenity OS by now and wont even support it.
    Don't blame them for things the Serenity OS maintainer said – they split up for a reason

  • things start fast and get slow is such a react take

  • I haven't started watching this video and I wanted to say this new browser engine is expecting to launch an alpha version in 2026 !
    It's in the works, not yet ready for public testing or usage.
    Also looks like it will be more easily available on Linux and Mac OS. Windows support will be extra work for them.
    (Posted on Wed 10 July 2024 at 16:10 UTC)

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