They Pulled It Off?!? – Ubuntu 23.10 Review
Ubuntu has had its ups and downs over the years, but 23.10 Mantic Minotaur feels like a step above the rest. There’s just something about it that feels so good– so let’s check it out!
Ubuntu has had its ups and downs over the years, but 23.10 Mantic Minotaur feels like a step above the rest. There’s just something about it that feels so good– so let’s check it out!
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Was the tiling feature backported to the previous versions of Ubuntu?
Refined look & fancy flat UI, yet after all these years file manager's text formatting is incredibly awkward. Filename (at 6:38) displayed in 3 lines as:
It's these small details that go unfixed for decades that contribute to keeping desktop linux a fringe OS.
I downloaded the installer as soon as it was available (after the hate speech incident) and installed it to one laptop. Haven't used a Buntu flavor since 2016-ish (Fedora/OpenSuse guy). So far my only problem with it is that it favors snap installs. Other than that, it's a very solid distro!
Ubuntu Gnome is different. Different enough to say it is more than just some extensions on top that will break.
I had too many problems with cuda drivers and AI this distro… need to give it more time for driver maturity.
The „Files“ app still feels quite behind the „Finder“ App in MacOS, but that‘s more of a Gnome problem. But Ubuntu being Ubuntu – why nor make it better?
It looks as disgusting as Windows 8. No transparencies/frosted glass = no joy.
I would love to be a Linux User but Gaming is my Problem, the Anti Cheats in the Games preventing me to use Linux. I hate Windows :/
You can do the workspace switching by scrolling on the icon on the bottom of the dock (in the bottom left, in the video) this has been in for a while now.
It's still run by idiots though, unfortunately.
The Minotaur labyrinth logo/wallpaper is probably my favorite out of the ones they've done recently
I'm still on jellyfish on my laptop but would try out next LTS version. This looks cool. As a life-long Windows user, I do have that cozy feeling you've mentioned whenever I'm using Linux. My first experience with Linux dates back to 2008 when my brother installed it on his PC, which left my 11 year old ass totally confused for a while when the computer booted Linux instead of Windows and I couldn't play video games. 😂 I've been sporadically using it since 2017 and actively for about two years now. (BASH is awesome! 😃)
What about less popular apps like Free Pascal? Will snap install this?
I love this channel
For a whole 2 mins I ignored what you were saying. I was too busy thinking I can finish this maze and thought "Why can't I complete this?". I then looked harder at it and realized it's a bull and not a maze. I am disappointed now like a father going out for milk and cookies, but the milk is beer, and the cookies are cigars.
I am using a Gnome extension for the functionality performed by the new activity button (which is workspace scrolling by scrolling the mouse). I am glad they finally added features that (are missing and) imporve user experience.
Close to twenty years of using Ubuntu – remember getting my first free CD ROM from canonical way back in 2004. Hope it carries on for another 20+ years.