Things to do after installing Ubuntu | Quick setup

I explain in this video how to get started using Ubuntu quickly and with a full software suite.

1. Check for Updates
2. Install GNOME Tweaks, VirtualBox, Net-Tools, Htop, Media codecs, Git, Flatpak, OpenSSH, Text Editors, and Extras
3. Remove gstreamer, deja-dup, Snaps, and Shotwell
4. Change gsettings minimize dock commands
5. Install Chrome and Remove Firefox
6. Remove Amazon Launcher
7. Install Gimp, Dropbox, and Steam
8. Disable Apport (Error Reporting)
9. Upgrade System

Auto-Install Script
Chrome Browser – Remove Firefox/Thunderbird
sudo apt-get install -y curl
source (curl -s https://www.christitus.com/scripts/ubuntu18.txt)

Firefox Browser
sudo apt-get install -y curl
source (curl -s https://www.christitus.com/scripts/ubuntu18-firefox.txt)


# Ubuntu (GNOME) 18.04 setup script.

dpkg -l | grep -qw gdebi || sudo apt-get install -yyq gdebi

# Initial Software

sudo apt update

sudo apt install virtualbox virtualbox-guest-additions-iso virtualbox-ext-pack
net-tools htop grsync lame asunder soundconverter brasero git mc flatpak
openssh-server sshfs gedit-plugin-text-size simplescreenrecorder nano
ubuntu-restricted-extras mpv vlc gthumb gnome-tweaks tracker chrome-gnome-shell
gnome-tweak-tool qt5-style-plugins spell synaptic -yy

# Add me to any groups I might need to be a part of:

sudo adduser $USER vboxusers

# Remove undesirable packages:

sudo apt purge gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 deja-dup shotwell -yy

# Remove snaps and get packages from apt:

sudo snap remove gnome-characters gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor
sudo apt install gnome-characters gnome-calculator gnome-system-monitor
gnome-software-plugin-flatpak -yy

# Purge Firefox, install Google Chrome:

sudo apt purge firefox -yy
sudo apt purge firefox-locale-en -yy
if [ -d “/home/$USER/.mozilla” ]; then
rm -rf /home/$USER/.mozilla
if [ -d “/home/$USER/.cache/mozilla” ]; then
rm -rf /home/$USER/.cache/mozilla
mkdir /tmp/gc-install-tmp
pushd /tmp/gc-install-tmp
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo gdebi -n google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
rm -rf /tmp/gc-install-tmp

#set icons to minimize on click
gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action ‘minimize’

## Remove junk
sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-web-launchers thunderbird rhythmbox -y

## Multimedia
sudo apt-get install -y gimp mypaint scribus openshot audacious nautilus-dropbox

## Games
sudo apt-get install -y steam

## Disable Apport
sudo sed -i ‘s/enabled=1/enabled=0/g’ /etc/default/apport

# set Qt variable in /etc/environment:

sudo bash -c “echo ‘QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2’ /etc/environment”

# Gotta reboot now:
sudo apt upgrade -y

echo $’n’$”*** All done! Please reboot now. ***” .

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