26 thoughts on “This is PROOF that @MattWalsh is the least nice host at The Daily Wire

  • I am fat and i run, i am on the process of loosing weight. We shouldn't promote adding weight but if you say fat girls dont run….. lets not use two wrongs to get to the right.
    Please encourage fat girls to run dont mock them.. this is why americans are getting fatter.

  • He's not wrong I'm a fat chick i certainly don't run. This is the first time I've ever heard the word healthist. And as for free samples at Cinnabon. As someone who doesn't like cinnamon that would certainly not make me run LOL now they were giving out free samples of Monster drinks that would be a different story😂

  • Why do I get notifications about shorts of this disgusting woman?

  • The Daily Wire associates themselves with someone spewing Z-patriot propaganda, flat-out lies about Ukraine and Zelensky? I'm sorry to hear this

  • I'm fat. And it was funny. A phobia is a fear of something. I dont think he is afraid of fat people. Well…unless he gets between them and the free samples. Lolol

  • Phobic… cmon Candace you know the difference between fear and dislike…stop perpetuating poor vocabulary use.

  • 😮 Why does he care if anyone is fat. If he is not feeding them, not his business. 😊

  • It isn't mean to state the truth.
    I was fat…. only time you saw me run was because I was being chased 🤣😂🤣
    Otherwise …. hell to the NO!
    SINCE THEN….. I have lost over 100 pounds and at 60… I still don't run.
    I stay fit by low impact exercises and eating multiple meals a day…. often as many as 6 to 8 mini meals.
    Never have an issue with weight now 😊

  • Watching his content its delivered as id expext to the point and honestly its depressing whats going on but i like his delivery of the news and events.

  • I run 4k 3 times a week and I'm still fat! 😂

  • I think Mr. Walsh is starting to think that he's bigger than he is or better than everyone I don't know. I'm shocked

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