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This is the operating system Edward Snowden recommends

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Famous NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for many is a trustworthy source for privacy and security software recommendations. Here are his favorite operating systems, Tails and Qubes OS.

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“Edward-Snowden in black-white” image by JohnValeron; Licensed under CC BY 4.0 ( ); Changes: Brightness, Random distortions
Stock footage provided by Videezy


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44 thoughts on “This is the operating system Edward Snowden recommends

  • For 70 years during the Cold War, the One Time Pads (OTP) were unbreakable.. just pen and paper and a block of random letters or numbers and a table to convert.. that’s all… absolutely analog, low tech. They were only “broken” because someone got their hands on the pads. It was mathematically proved to be impossible to decipher in 1949, since it’s an equation with two unknowns, which is mathematically impossible to solve.

    Sometimes the solution for very high tech problems, are low tech procedures.

  • Do you really think that they will tell you anything that he used?
    get real

  • snowden the traitor…he can be using a ball and chain. and a jail cell

  • Anyway…, but, what Ed Snowden revealed in 2013 was more like a "joke"! He claimed to have had access to "everything"…..; nice overestimation of oneself. 5

  • what about pureOS? is it a viable alternative to qubes, if your threat model is not high like Snowden's?

  • Тhе ΟΝᏞΥ ԝау уоս саո bе 99.99% ѕаfе frоⅿ thе ᏀᏞΟԜ ІΝ ТΗЕ ᎠΑᎡΚ СІΑ ΝІ🅱​🅱Ε​ᎡՏ hасkіոց уοսr ѕуѕtеⅿ іѕ tо οոⅼу rսո fоrⅿаⅼⅼу ⅴеrіfіеⅾ ѕοftԝаrе сοⅿріⅼеⅾ ԝіth а fоrⅿаⅼⅼу ⅴеrіfіеⅾ соⅿріⅼеr οո а ѕесսrіtу-hаrⅾеոеⅾ fоrⅿаⅼⅼу ⅴеrіfіеⅾ οреrаtіոց ѕуѕtеⅿ ԝіth ⅾіѕk еոсrурtіοո еոаbⅼеⅾ, bοοtеⅾ frоⅿ а ѕесսrе bοоtⅼоаⅾеr ѕіցոеⅾ ԝіth уοսr оԝո рrіⅴаtе kеуѕ, սѕіոց оոⅼу fоrⅿаⅼⅼу ⅴеrіfіеⅾ οреո ѕоսrсе hаrⅾԝаrе, bսіⅼt ԝіth ЕМ/Рοԝеr/Αсοսѕtіс ЅᏟΑ-Ꭱеѕіⅼіеոt, trսѕtеⅾ, аոⅾ rеⅼіаbⅼе еⅼесtrοոісѕ аոⅾ раrtѕ.

    Αոⅾ еⅴеո thеո, іf уοս ѕսѕресt thе СӀΑ ⅿіցht ѕսrrерtіtіоսѕⅼу еոtеr уоսr hοⅿе ԝhіⅼе уοս'rе ѕⅼееріոց оr ոоt ⅼοоkіոց, уοս ԝоսⅼⅾ hаⅴе tо rսցցеⅾіzе уоսr соⅿрսtеr'ѕ саѕе οr саbіոеt, аѕ ԝеⅼⅼ аѕ іⅿрⅼеⅿеոt tаⅿреr-рrооf ⅿесhаոіѕⅿѕ tο іt. Вοոսѕ рοіոt іf уоս іոѕtаⅼⅼ а ⅼаѕеr аⅼаrⅿ ѕуѕtеⅿ іո уоսr rооⅿ, аⅼthοսցh thаt ԝοո't ѕеrⅴе ⅿսсh рսrроѕе bесаսѕе thеу аrе ⅴеrу ցооⅾ аt hіⅾіոց thеіr trасkѕ. Вսt ӏ kոοԝ bеttеr, аոⅾ Ӏ kոоԝ thеу аrе fоⅼⅼоԝіոց ⅿе еⅴеrуԝhеrе Ι ցо аոⅾ ⅼіѕtеոіոց tо ⅿу еⅴеrу ԝоrⅾ frоⅿ bеhіոⅾ thе ԝаⅼⅼѕ.

  • The privacy thing is overblown. Everything about me is boring to distraction, and I don't engage in anything that should not see the light of day.
    Also, the logistics concerned in obtaining and evaluating huge amounts of data is very difficult to achieve.

  • YAY Tails is best, but for permanent, i recommend Debian

  • Edward Snowden is an Idiot! In any Hardware are Backdoors. Without any OS any Computer can be Hacked! Do not believe the Idiot Edward Snowden! Edward Snowden was wrong in NSA, an Job for Idiots like him is in CIA

  • If you have something to reproach yourself for, the NSA will spot you sooner or later. If you shit in your pants, no matter the brand, they will smell you a mile away and find you anyway.

  • if someone could make an android phone which could airdrop files to a linux, that could perhaps persuading me into adopting it.

  • Notice the hexagon logo of QubesOS.

  • Eric Snowden giving a lecture to anyone on privacy and security is a joke when he lives in PUTIN'S RUSSIA!

  • Who cares? Snowden was never more than a glorified local LAN administrator. He was never a serious hacker nor a black hat programmer nor a cybersecurity engineer. All he did was abuse his security clearance to steal documents passing through his network.

  • Any updates on Eddies health and safety at the moment? Ukraine has been a boiling point and I hope he is ok.

  • Pretty worthless for me if I have to edit photos or videos and post them online. Photoshop still not known to work properly in Linux, although there is the ability to use some editors online, but without AI features.

  • These are Snowden's list becuase they gice him a back door into your system.

  • really good idea… I've got to try this

  • So the guy that flees to Pootler's autocratic led Terrorussia advices a certain OS, and you're jumping on that bandwagon? I would have serious doubts about his advice…

  • There is a price to pay in terms of convenience and ease of use. It's just another Linux but in the end you need to read all the code to be sure and no one does.

  • Qubes OS is the most secure OS because of user-friendly use of VMs.

  • How comentezi is your favorite guy? The real spies dont do this crap. Wakeup

  • I have a question. Is it worth it for me to use Tails or QubesOS when I'm already monitored? I've been monitored heavily since birth, not regular monitoring either. Excessive. The CIA and all police agencies are terrified of someone like a journalist helping expose what happened to people like me since birth, so they're preoccupied with using community watch and other forms of spying to keep people from helping us. So the question is this, should I even bother to consider using a privacy OS when it's government sponsored hacking?

  • It almost doesn't matter which OS you use today. Look up Intel's management engine. If your Pc is plugged in (not even switched of), it's theirs.

  • ALEKSANDAR put him 30.000 gowerment top secret, long time ago.
    Why he have frequencys since 197.?

  • Half the agencies on your tail don't care that you are messing up "the West" and they go away eventually when then know you are helping them.

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