This Is Why We Don’t Toss Out Broken Microwaves | Remake Projects

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23 thoughts on “This Is Why We Don’t Toss Out Broken Microwaves | Remake Projects

  • Everyone in the comments upset because some guy didn't warn you of something…….Only an idiot would use YouTube University to educate themselves. Stop being lazy minded and educate yourself the right way…..GEEZE

  • "Totally handy" but all coming from materials and tools 😂😂😂

  • what size is the fuse that you use for the first project?

  • …or I could buy an under $200 Harbor Freight 110v spot welder without the risk of electrocuting myself

  • Nice plastic welder. Plus, yoiu make your own weld wires for plastic welds.

    I was just getting ready to toss out a portable battery psck charger and about 4 dewalt drills and a circular saw craftsman cordless kit.
    Now i can do something with them.😮

  • Its like someone took the science youtubers and 5 minutes crafts and tried to combine both into a awful mess of extremely dangerous useless ideas that come off easy to do and could end with people being harmed and no disclosures to warn them of such dangers.

  • Spend hundreds if not thousands in shop equipment and supplies, risk electrocution, or I could just go to Harbor Freight and buy a spot welder on sale? 🙂

  • Is it just me or is that primary side of the transformer connected to nothing

  • You're supposed to put those Staples on the inside of the fender and in case you didn't know they sell plastic Staple welders

  • Hey, bro, do you understand how dangerous it is to open a damn microwave without taking proper precautions? That capacitor could have literally killed you if it hadn't been discharged first. It's insane to publish a video like that without emphasizing these precautions.

  • Remember those annoying Chinese wholesale websites ?? Just order the plastic welding kit, it's cheap, it works and you don't waste time tearing apart the microwave !! This must be bored to death !!!

  • I watched without sound and got excited when I i saw the car bumper cover. I figured some James Bond shit might get installed, radar jamming, something like that.

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