This ISN'T Windows 11? – Wubuntu Windows 11 Clone

Windows 11 holds many hardware requirements, including secure boot, TPM, etc. However, what if there was an OS that looks like Windows 11, operates like Windows 11, but isn’t actually Windows 11? In this video, we’ll be taking a look at Wubuntu.

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48 thoughts on “This ISN'T Windows 11? – Wubuntu Windows 11 Clone

  • A second look video will be coming out on Monday, 12/11 addressing many of your concerns and questions regarding Wubuntu.

  • This is ridiculous. If I wanted to use Windows 11,… I 'd just use Windows 11.

  • would honestly love to see a linux distro that doesnt try to replicate but rather be inspired by windows 11's design. i feel like wubuntu 11 feels like a cool project on the surface, but in my opinion it doesnt bring anything new to the table.

  • The only reason to have an OS that is a clone of Windows is gaming. How about talking about that. Can it do windows games, outside of wine or Steam?

  • Now if only nvidia drivers were supported 🙁

  • You neglected to install the language packs, which Ubuntu prompts you to do and I don't know if you skipped it or if this Wubuntu didn't prompt you. And the lag is probably VMWare, because KDE is quite snappy. Personally, I think that Windows clones causes more confusion that it gives confidence, which for me, defeats the purpose. I would much prefer something similar to what Cinnamon does, which is to use similar principles as Windows XP, but without pretending to be Windows XP. So the concepts are understandable, but you don't get surprised when things are different. There are two things that I actively dislike about Wubuntu; 1) I don't think you should use the Ubuntu brand if you're not affiliated with Ubuntu and 2) I definitely don't want them to use Microsoft's logos. I think you should be allowed to copy looks and feel as much as you want, but trademarks exist for a reason.

  • I get what they are trying to do but it's just so janky… i'd rather use a proper linux if I couldn't use windows 11. also, they used icons and images straight out of windows 11 …. isn't that alone copyright infringement?

  • I'd love to see this but with Windows 2000 or something cool like that.

  • To all the performance complaints: id like to see windows 11 running on a dual core VM lol, thats probably also why the slow boot times.

  • Many Win users are LOOKING TO MIGRATE, but have ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST in LINUX-GEEKING. THAT is the REAL market this is trying to join . Other options , sure , but the COMPETITION in this space is going to heat UP , especially over the next few years, as MS tightens it's FIST on inividual freedoms .

  • Clever, but it's a hack… doubt I would touch it

  • Great video and engagement! We fixed the bugs in the dolphin directory and the error that removed teams from the system, now everything is OK in both Linuxfx and Wubuntu. The new image is OK and we have also released a fix via OTA. Thank you very much for your video and congratulations on your channel!

  • Isn't there open-vm-tools package which works as an open source option and supports 99% of what you can get with vmware tools?

  • Did I hear you say "windows community" 😂

  • This is cool but why the heck try to emulate 11 – the second most ugly windows after 10.

  • as long as you can't use windows drivers for me this os is useless since i couldn't use half of the hardware i own

  • A windows clone that won't run any windows programmes. quite brilliantly named

  • Does this run any Windows program?

  • When someone says Windows Clone, I'd expect full binary compatibility like what ReactOS is doing. I'd expect games, DirectX and driver support. Stuff that anyone would actually use Windows for.
    This is like the worst of both worlds. Won't play Windows Games as well. Doesn't uses one of the better Linux DEs. This is a imitation. Not a clone.

  • why would anyone even WANT a windows clone?

  • Windows has official PowerToys Run with Alt+Space, it's really good. In general I suggest checking all the Windows PowerToys.

  • no url given for download ; icould not find this distro searching in google as well

  • this is fantastic. I have an old iMac on which this will work perfectly. Going to give it a shot. Thank you!!!

  • personally i would not ever use this, i would just use plain kde if i was looking for this sort of experience.

  • Screw this crap! I have no need for Wind Sucks 11 or any such crap! I'll stick with my Wind Blows 7 Pro until it doesn't work any more then I will just take a hammer to the computer! All of that crap is useless and if it were the real Micky Suck it would be all about Big Brother and his minions having access to my stuff! Screw it all!

  • I'd only use this in an office where staff are all windows uses and wouldn't be using anything too complicated. They could then find their files in c:usersblahblah, run their Edge browser, use Office seamlessly and generally continue to work without any training, groaning and complaining.

  • Why am I watching a troglodyte use this? Fucking clicking so god damn fast through the GUI that you completely miss the section where you can change the screen resolution, only to follow that up by saying "How do I change the desktop resolution" when it was literally in front of you. You would have seen it if you would not have acted like a crackhead spazzing out.
    Also saying shit like "I am not sure how were going to get VMware tools on here" does not give me the impression you put any effort into researching any of this.
    A quick google search will tell you that most linux distro's nowadays ship with open-vm-tools out of the box. Some come preinstalled with them, and in the remaining cases you can just install them with your package manager. Certainly on an Ubuntu based distro. No need to custom compile it or add custom repositories.

  • Crazy how influenced Windows 11 is 🫠

  • Even that shit startmenu is there:) ok.This one not for me.

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