This Zsh config is perhaps my favorite one yet.

When it comes to working in the terminal. I like to keep things functional, whilst also trying to keep my environment as zenful as possible.

Recently I’ve managed to create what I think is the most zenful zsh config out there, which also has a number of powerful interactive features such as fuzzy finding for completions and history.

Video Links:
– Zensh Config: https://github.com/dreamsofautonomy/zensh
– zinit: https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zinit
– fzf tab: https://github.com/Aloxaf/fzf-tab
– nerd fonts: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts

Like my tmux config? You can follow the guide on my main channel video @dreamsofcode

I’m using the Tokyo Night theme in this video!

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:52 Getting Started
00:01:35 Plugin Manager
00:03:32 Zenful Prompt
00:07:59 Big Three Plugins
00:10:02 Historical Searching
00:12:17 Basic Completion Styling
00:13:29 Fzf and Advanced Completion Styling
00:14:38 More Completions
00:16:16 Better cd command
00:17:02 Dotfiles


by Dreams of Autonomy

linux foundation

28 thoughts on “This Zsh config is perhaps my favorite one yet.

  • What is your tmux theme? It looks really good.

  • Geez I watched this video and realized Warp already provides most of the features I need for a pleasant terminal experience.
    Zoxide is dope, I also use Eza for a prettier ls output and fnm for switching between Node versions

  • OMFG LOL, how is Starship "distracting"??? It's the most minimalistic thing ever. My setup is a chevron out of the box. Unless dir is a repo, then I get just what I need for the type of project. It's highly customizable. Perfect balance between zsh and fish. Powerlevel10k is a nightmare of pure ugliness. 4 minutes in, I'm completely out of whatever you are setting up. It's just straight up lying. All this setup works better with Starship. Don't care.

  • I personally find a shell plugin manager terrifying, i added submodules for plugins i use and others recreated needed finctionality

  • I have a similar setup but I use fasd in order to have access to opened files.
    Great that you promote plugin managers.

  • You made this? I made this! Stole 99% of your config to replace my mess of a .zshrc. I was using some of the plugins already, but pulled in from different install methods and what have you. Now my rc is readable! Plus I gained a bunch of new features. Much obliged!

  • The danger of cloning and running git repos and plugins in your shell is clearly not well understood.

  • Top quality video as always.
    The information, the voice, the style, the edit, everything is on point for me.
    Thank you so much for taking your time to craft these videos in such a way.

  • Thanks for posting this video. great content. Can you also post a video about your tmux config?

  • I can only imagine the amount of time it takes to make videos this smooth. I appreciate the effort these are great.

  • Thanks for the great setup, but I've hit a snag along the way. I run Debian 12 and it ships an old version of fzf. Because of this, the "–zsh" option isn't available for me. Any help you can provide?

  • FISH shell users: "Look What They Need to Mimic a Fraction of Our Power"

    Fish + starship + lsd + zoxide, all in pretty much stock configuration and you've got a very zen setup. Fish does most of the heavy lifting though honestly.

  • I have problem with zinit cloning, error password authentication was removed. How to proper authentication. For my normal github cloning is working fine. Thanks

  • Why .dotfiles. It's redundat. I call mine the zen way and the more efficient and less bloated way, non-oh-my-zsh way—

    . files

    Sinpler. Cleaner. And logical.

    .dotfliles is not logical. Its like PIN number. Ha ha ha. PI number, because the N stands for tge word number. No ine ecer says PI number though.

  • Really nice config, very similar to mine! 😅 I also use p10k (lean theme, the rest is like yours), fzf and a similar overall configuration. But instead of zinit, I use zgenom (unofficial successor of zgen), also with some ohmyzsh plugins. Instead of zoxide, I'm still on zsh-z. I'm running this setup almost unchanged since at least 5 years now.

  • Ill go watch the presentation on storing dotfikes with stow. Christian Chiarulli in his machfikes repository on GitHub described his setup.

    Im torn between gnu stow method and Nix's Home Manager with flake. I am keen on Home Manager, but the stow nethod is much more straightforward.

    Aleays good cintent even if i poke fun at the content sonetimes. Im a cook dude lije you. I just point out deficiencies ir insccuracies when maybe i should just stay qyiet, but as a professor, its hard not to cirrect.

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