Time To Live TTL Field in IPv4 || Lesson 75 || Computer Networks || Learning Monkey ||
Time To Live TTL Field in IPv4
We will try to understand Time To Live TTL Field in IPv4 in this class.
TTL is the field in the 3rd row of the IPv4 header.
We have already discussed the other fields of IPv4 in our previous classes.
Time To Live TTL Field in IPv4
In the transmission of the packet from source to destination, we have a problem called routing loops.
What is a routing loop?
In the above diagram, A wants to communicate with B.
Generally, the packets will take the shortest path.
The shortest path between A and B is from the above network: router one to router two and router two to router three.
Now assume that the link between the routers two and three have been broken.
Routers two and three will immediately know the broken ink information, but router one will not know.
At router two now, the shortest path from two to three is through one.
Similarly, the shortest path from one to three is through two.
The routing information will cause a loop between one and two, and the packets will stay in the loop for an infinite amount of time.
We can avoid the problem of routing loops by TTL field in the IPv4.
Time-to-live TTL is a value for the period of time that a packet, should exist on a network before being discarded.
The TTL field will have a hop count value.
Hop count means the number of nodes the packet should cross before reaching the destination.
On reaching each node, the routes will decrement the value of TTL.
As the TTL value reaches zero before reaching the destination, the packet will get discarded, and an ICMP request will be sent to the source.
Now the source will increase the hop count and retransmit the packet.
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in time to live also if the link is broken between router2 and router3 then how it will goes can you explain
Excellent presentation….Sir
suppose one link is destroyed then it will loop then send a icmp error and the host will increment the ttl but it wll again loop no matter how big ttl we take, here in this example we have another path but with greater weight so is there an algoritm which it follows to reach the server with high weight>
Thank you sir, It is very clear
Hindi ya urdu lecture diya kary
Thank you very much sir!!! You are a great teacher and your English is excellent!!🙏
If hindi then much better
Sir for suppose, the packet is reached to the desired destination but 1hop is left, then is it accepted or discarded
Ur great in teaching
thank you very much , great content🔥
Nice video 👍🏼
Thank you sir.. ☺️