Timeline of Free and Open-Source Software 1970-2020

This timeline of Free and Open-Source software from 1970-2020 is based on statistics from Wikipedia and GitHub. The term open-source was introduced in the late 1990s by The Open Source Initiative. The best open-source software projects we’ve provided here are just proof of how beneficial these programs are. These are some of the most popular Open-source Software examples from each decade.

By the 2000s the number of open-source software packages in wide use was so large that it would be infeasible to make a definitive list.
Open-source software matters to developers in building a career while allowing them to work on some of the biggest platforms around the globe. However, it also makes the lives of many individuals and businesses easier by providing them with customized solutions.

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0:00 | Introduction
0:12 | Data Source
0:35 | Visualization 1976-1990
1:10 | Visualization 1991-2000
3:13 | Visualization 2000-2020

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💚Some of the projects that are worth mentioning are:
Firefox (Browser) https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
Openshot (Video Editor) https://www.openshot.org/
Ubuntu (OS) https://ubuntu.com/
Audacity (Audio Editor) https://www.audacityteam.org
Firefox Send (File Sharing) https://send.firefox.com/
VLC (Multimedia Player) https://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html
WordPress (Blogging and Websites) https://wordpress.org/

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Data Souce: Wikipedia & GitHub
Design & Video Credit: Pexels & Canva Pro https://canva.7eqqol.net/CanvaPro

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