Titus in the Hotseat on "Lunduke: The Alex Jones of Linux"
Our buddy, Chris Titus, put out a show entitled “Lunduke: The Alex Jones of Linux”. Now, obviously, I had to invite him over to The Lunduke Journal to tell him all of the things he got wildly wrong.
Note: This is two people disagreeing on some things — while agreeing on others — and being cool to each other about all of it. This is how it should be.
The Titus Video:
More from The Lunduke Journal:
by Bryan Lunduke
linux foundation
what i find funny is what fox, cnn and msnbc. Write articles about the same stuff alex jones talks about alex reads there pages first.
41:55 they had a problem with the lunduke.. lol..
I know why.. someone said a lot of truth with regards to portland or politics.. thats why.. you are not towing "the message" …
Question : is there a right leaning base for open source ? It seems that unless its commercial competition against one another that can't be.
i don't care if left or right, lunduke nails it every single time, and i'm all here for it.
at the beginning of this video, you had my attention… now you gentleman you've got my respect.
Lunduke, I used to disagree with you on just about everything, but I think you may have touched upon something upon the facial hair growing in and getting a little bit gray because I agree with almost everything you're saying lately.
1:13:10 I live in Portland and I cannot wait to get out of here…
1:05:15 – So much self-justification! It's really amazing to watch you come up with reasons you should be a complete coward.
1:10:55 – That's absolutely the level of what's happening. I'm sorry, it's not a trolley situation, and no amount of your head in the sand will change it.
FYI, just creating statistics around ethnic are just strictly forbidden in France, you can't just do it because NO ONE should need it for ANY reason. Some immigration-related initiatives had been canceled because that is part of the very 1st amendment of French's constitution. You can't even create/store/track this type of information. That's an easy way to avoid this type of shitty situation because it should never matter.
58:00 – Wow. Just wow.
58:40 – And indeed, I really want to know that RH discriminates against white people. While I have no problem with left leaning political topics, this kind of open hatred absolutely needs to be driven out of the industry. It should have no place in the Open Source community. And in order to get rid of it, I need to know it exists. Do you want it in the Open Source community Chris? Do you want conferences to kick people out (not even speakers, which would be bad enough, but simply attendees) because there's a picture of them wearing the wrong hat someplace? Do you want all this garbage? By not covering it Chris, you're helping it to continue to exist. By telling the people who cover it, then get hit with the same garbage that they're doing something wrong, you're CONTRIBUTING to the problem. You can't stick your head in the sand and hope it goes away. It's not going to.
Love these guys
The majority of people have 100% more respect for someone that can state a fact is a fact and give an opinion on it that is an actual opinion from that person's brain and not a parrot talking point of everybody else. An opinion doesnt change a fact and people can have their own opinions. But to not talk about them or state them because of fear of losing some stupid stats on YouTube is just the same as banning your own speech.
58:34 yes some people think companies care about then
Tech companies are so fiercely political these days, you can't cover tech without covering the political side of it. I hope you keep up the great work, Lunduke.
I like that you are actually having a adult conversation regarding to having a different opinions. These types of debates used to be common but people don't really do that now, their is usually divide in political spaces and it usually ends up in partisan sh*t-flinging
It's not so much left and right but those who value the American Constitution and those who are pushing Globalism (Imperialism). I am Australian, I understand "Make America Great Again" is to promote "Liberty for ALL" which is still being perfected since inception. Stop being divisive!!!
I believe more people tend to agree with Lunduke than is apparent
The funny thing is that I unsubbed from Chris Titus a long time ago.
I think I stopped watching a while ago because I saw something about a "conservative programmers mail group" or something, which put me off, it sounded contradictory to mix programming (about logic) and ideology. I might be dipping my toes again here after Chris' video. I'm convinced left-right means something else in the US, either way, people are very keen to define what the other side is about, and its often enough <insert all the bad things here>.
29:37 – You got a lot of negative comments because the piece was stinky. You attacked Lunduke for something he didn't deserve to be attacked for. You're trying to do a "both-sidesism" here, and it's not what's going on.
42:34 – If you want that, acknowledge his point, and next time you make a video about him, don't paint him as a crazy person. You have to show courage Chris. You know what's true. Making sure that someone's political leanings don't automatically completely disqualify them from any kind of public appearance starts with you and your courage.
"The frogs are gay!" 🤣
You know, I just realized that one of your most defining features is that you frequently shift into talking about yourself in the third person. It's odd.
Lunduke doesn't seem particularly right wing to me and I wish Chris would go beyond centrism. Conceptually the left and the right are all on the right and to be a real centrist you'd need to be at least slightly left of what masquerades as left. A lot of people who think they are on the right probably aren't on the right either.
I don't really understand why people are so afraid to openly state if they are alt-right or not. If your defense of any subject is sound and solid, then it doesn't matter if you are alt-anything.
Is freedom of speech non-negotiable? I do think so. Is wokeist bureaucratic authoritarianism questionable? Of course it is.
Does Red Hat being sued by an alt-right organization such as America First Legal prove anything? Of course not. It's just changing the sign of the same nonsense. No wokeist or alt-right organization is genuinely concerned about the freedom of anyone.
A lot of creators didnt go to politics, politics came to them. Im glad to have a conservative voice in the tech world we really need more. Also, Ive followed Cris and Brian for a long time, nice to see them both in the same video.
Having someone make an independent conference would be so awesome 😎
They both make such valid points while will disagreeing with each other.
But it is so refreshing to see conversations like this…
Thank you Chris for being willing to do this and thank you Bryan for hosting this talk!
Good talk.
This was a totally awesome video!
Why does Titus not talk about the topic with redhat? Well its politically charged. Its not a neutral topic like Asus being scumbags recently.
I like how this video was presented. Its just two people having a conversation. Unlike today where people come to a assumption and would rather rage than have the conversation and respect your opinions.
Myself I'm a moderate/centrist if anything. However most of the time I cant stand politics and hate it. It is weaponized and turns people against each other. The division in this country is probably more than it was during the civil rights movement.
titus scared to hear the truth about atrazine in the water
When capitalism enters a crisis, workers who doesnt understand the historical class struggle between working class and the bourguasie Will radicalize themselves with the bourguasie ideology and become fascists attacking their own class, the lack of historical materialism Will make then believe in conspiracy teories. In the other way, workers who understand the class struggle Will radicalize with proletariaan sciences like marxism, anarchism, marxism leninism, maoism and pursue Power to the working class. Sorry about my english…those who defend apolitical topics are defending the bourguasie ideology, theres nothing apolitical in human society, and in capitalism is always about social classes and the eternal fight for power, we live in the dictactorship of the bourguasie, bourguasie democracy.
this is interesting. Yesterday portalled from Chris Channel, then same moment, u guys hang up together eh? haha