Tom Murosky & Switched To Linux: Misinformation, Hate, & Sadness

Let me introduce you to Tom Murosky, a Linux content creator with multiple channels, the most popular being Switched to Linux. He’s been on YouTube for years, uncontested in his misinformation about open source, hate of queer individuals, and misrepresenting Christians—until today.

Murosky only cares about injecting his political views into all of his content and has attempted (unsuccessfully) various ways to take down my content, including through Proton, YouTube flagging, and attempting to leverage his influence to rally creators by his side. His community is blatantly transphobic, homophobic, and adheres to extremist right-wing content and Christian nationalism. There is no negotiating with this man.

All proceeds of this video will be donated to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. They fight for your digital civil liberties and for your rights. https://supporters.eff.org/donate/join-4–s

Shout out to @niccoloveslinux , who helped give much of this video direction and organization and to @TechHut for describing his experience.

A special thanks to my Christian friends who have helped a great deal in the theological aspects, the resources, as well as physical Bibles and commentaries. Check out @PrestonSprinkleRaw for information about how churches respond to queer communities. He has the Murosky Stamp of Approval™ after all!

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👇 Sauce:

0:00 Who is Tom Murosky?
3:20 Terrible Tech Takes
11:16 The Weekly “””News””” Roundup
17:48 The Hate Machine
26:17 For the Bible Tells Me So
29:46 How do Christians respond to queer identity?
36:15 The Villain Back Story
39:39 The Credits Lie…
41:36 Murosky’s Sneaky Behavior
44:18 Don’t Give Me Money


by Trafotin

linux foundation

27 thoughts on “Tom Murosky & Switched To Linux: Misinformation, Hate, & Sadness

  • All STL viewers who dissent will be banned. I've watched enough videos to recognize you guys and I've seen his Matrix.

  • 47:00 You have to realise there is "what the book says" and "what people believe" please don't pretend that christians have any tolerance or love.

  • There isn't some true objective Christianity out there. Christianity is whatever Christians think it is. It exists entirely in human heads. That's why they're are 35,000 denominations.

  • You are a better person than I am for addressing this, and thanks for doing this.

  • That's it… Im putting my foot down… Now Im picking it up…
    Wow, Subscribe to both ur channel & yea he's a bit of knucklehead but in the ridiculousness is the entertainment…
    You clearly have more Linux experience & way you deliver it, with ferver, at times, is very entertaining. Your right though… I don't want to listen to anyone Damming anyone else to hell… I going to heaven, just hope, not too soon.
    Id like to thank you for your informative, interesting & stubborned entertaining delivery…. Keep on, keeping it on… Stay Gold Ponyboy…
    A tidbit of wisdom…
    You can pick your friends
    You can pick your nose
    but don't pick your friends nose👃 ….

  • Hello Trafotin, we meet again

    I normally watch you on Odyssee, but since this video wasn’t posted on there I will comment on here.

    Overall I think I agree with most of your stance, I think STL is really not doing the community any favors.

    I did watch about 3 of his videos a month ago, and at least in my opinion, it felt very unwelcoming (Especially to new Linux users), and after watching your video makes me never want to never watch him again (so I blocked him on Odysee)

    I have always liked your videos and your stance on Linux, even if other people (sometimes myself included) didn’t fully agree; In my opinion you are one of the best Linux YouTubers making well informed and entertaining Linux content, and no matter how many STL fans come after you, I and many other people would support you all the way.

  • I watched 5 minutes of one of his videos a few months ago when I had some trouble getting hardware acceleration to work on my system and realized it was a rant against Wayland. Dude's dumb as a fucking rock and quite proud of it. Before I watched that video, I thought it was interesting that Google suggested his video on a new system that I hadn't logged into with my Google account, but never pushed his content when I was logged into my account. 5 minutes was enough to realize why. Now that I know more about him, it makes even more sense why Google never pushed his content to me lol. Hang tight while his hoarde descends on your feed 😅

  • I have been a follower of STL for a while however, criticism is welcomed and this does point out some of the toxic behavior that can be observed from Tom. If he is to be a representative of Christianity he should do it caution and with love.

    26:17 Its great to see a person also engage in reading what the Bible says. Whle watching this video I remembered this verse

    17 Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation;[a] the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.
    18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;
    (2 Corinthians 5:17-18)

    As a former agnostic reading the Bible transforms your life and the way to interact with others and make you much more sensible to other people and the way you approach them. I would like to encourage you to keep reading and learning @Trafotin.

    I would also wish for Tom to watch this video and as you have said, go back to the whiteboard and start all over. The Bible teaches about the love of God and the best way to approach people is with love and respect. Your video does a great job not only tackling the issue with Tom's misinformation and I have also noticed that he has not pre-tested the software and this is a point of improvement and the lack of use from original sources is also an issue. We as the community would like to see a change for the best.

    Best of luck, @Trafotin

  • Fuck, Uncle Bonehead is in my Discord too. And he knows I'm also a Linux Vtuber? When you say "they" are you including him in the group that insulted the commenter?

  • I think some part of the message of the video was hurt by the "teasers" and publishing the script beforehand. The video is all "forgive and understand" while the teasers call for a different kind of organized action. :/
    We don't need more drama in the community, it's all so tiring…

  • What a waste of time and effort. This is just a video someone picking on someone else who, in my opinion doesn’t deserve it. Everyone has their own thoughts and opinions. Some agree on things while others don’t. Switch to linux choose articles and gives his opinions on them. If ya don’t like it, don’t warch it.

  • I watch neither Traf nor STL on the regular, I actually came here from Nicco's recent shoutout and this is the first video I'm watching.

    That all said, something I feel that should be brought up more about the (let's be kind and say) dissent toward openSUSE and elementaryOS's respective beliefs is the idea that one could fork the respective codebases and make your own "apolitical" derivative distro. Linux, and by extension FOSS in general, is arguably the epitome of "having your own cake and eating it too". There's a reason Sneedacity exists, regardless of what you think of the motivation regarding its existence.

    That said, I'm probably gonna see what elementary OS 8 is like once that's available for end-users.

  • The comments read like they were written two years ago! We've moved on. I don't know about the disagreements between you guys, but YouTuber fights are never entertaining.

  • So I watched both yours and murosky's 2 hr reaction on this (wasted much more time than i should've 🤡)

    I'm gonna take his side first then look at his bads

    * in his response he does clarify about the journalism saying he's just a reaction channel which is what he mostly is so yea your points are not too valid ig..
    * he also mentioned that the only office video was from a libreoffice user's pov
    * your whole argument of being normal person but learning is just stupid imo there is nothing wrong with someone having a linux channel that approaches these things from a non tech nerd perspective imo
    * you have some bad(dk the correct word?) info on his education it seems
    * idk what to say about his vaccine situation like he does say that he mentioned what you mentioned about chart being non accurate and he mostly says he wasn't too extreme on the situation and only claimed that there are some risks
    * your whole childhood etc arguments just came of as personal attack based on half info imo

    everything from now on he is just acting like what you kinda expected in this video :/ his reaction was like hes just trying to justify his actions instead of take responsibility some justifications are valid some are just justifications

    * he pretends he is open minded about this saying he uses both leftist and rightist sources but whats the point feels like he watches leftist news just to shit on the left
    * in the wayland thing he is just trying to justify that shitty article (I do think you also kinda came off as a bit of a wayland shill too, there are genuine reasons for him to not use wayland like he uses linux mint & they don't recommend you to use wayland and not everyone needs to go on the wayland hype train..)
    * he came off as super offensive to that trans dev and instead of accepting it & apologizing he just openly goes full transphobic, screaming the chromosomes bullcrap in his reaction and saying trans/lgbt people are not welcome in christianity

    * still laughs off the lgbt representation & mask awareness thing

    (won't comment on the whole bible/christian thing bcs idk about Christianity so dk which side is correct here)

    conclusion/tldr: some of your content criticism weren't the best but yes he is spreading his right wing agenda, spreading hate on attempts for mask awareness, hate on attempts for lgbtq representation & openly spreading transphobia/homophobia

    edit: just saw his matrix 💀 absurd levels of transphobia randomly attacking a trans viewer I wonder if I'll be featured there

  • Focusing on just his Linux content. Not a single support of switched to Linux mentions his paranoia mentality of misinformation he spreads. If you took his advice, you would still be struggling to adopt modern Linux workflows. If anything he showcases how terrible of a experience mint would be.

  • Not an STL fan btw, just watch your channel from time to time. Great work btw, keep it up.

    Yes, you could say that FOSS was always "political". But is the best move for FOSS projects going forward really not to try to at least try to be less political, but instead actively become even more political in a single, ideological direction?

    It seems better overall for the FOSS community in the long run to be as neutral as possible while keeping some basic policies on politeness instead of treating legitimately controversial ideas (e.g. systemic racism, DEI, "trans women are women", etc.) as incontrovertible truths. It serves very little practical purpose except to further polarize the FOSS space and alienate more people. I see zero evidence that baking any of these into official policy is necessary to create a polite and welcoming environment where people can be productive.

    IMO it is better for these projects to cast the net as widely as possible. "Equal participation" does not require a policy of "keep your mouth shut and never contradict our sacred truths or we'll kick you out," that's absurd. Just let whoever wants to contribute do so, regardless of their political beliefs, and have a common sense policy about politeness (and yes, by that I mean a policy against deadnaming/misgendering would probably be for the best. Just like Jesus said in the bible, lol. 🙂)

    But hey like you said, if people want to make their own weird FOSS echo chambers, they are certainly free to do so… just giving my opinion on what I think would benefit such projects the most.

  • This is just sad men, just focus in tech and Linux that’s is what we like…all this drama is unnecessary…I’m gone…peace.

  • I vehemently disagree with this video. I've been watching Switched to Linux for years, and feel that your critique is unfounded.

  • Such a great post. Your best yet. I remember his videos regarding Danielle Fiore — shameful. Inclusion and empathy are what make the world go around. He's no Christian.

  • All this linux community beef with only 3% of the market, imagine when it reaches 10%!

  • i wasn't a huge fan but i did use to watch his videos every once in a while, although i remember watching a video of his when RHEL was trying to close its source code. he was reading an article that at some point quoted the SEO of opensuse (don't quote me on that) which he said hated people who "believed in basic biology". left a bad taste in my mouth and haven't approached his content since, i'm glad i wasn't the only one who noticed. thank you.

  • Mention about donation is quite hilarious 😂
    I have thought about is the way to promote on someone hated but biger back, but… I think you make this videos for idea not for cash.

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