Tool-X Kali Linux Pentesting Tool Installer
Tool-X is a kali linux hacking Tool installer. Tool-X developed for termux and other android terminals. using Tool-X you can install almost 263 hacking tools in termux app and other linux based distributions.
How to Install inbox_tray
Open the terminal and type following commands.
apt update
apt install git
git clone
cd Tool-X
chmod +x install.aex
sh install.aex if not work than use ./install.aex
How to Use fire
Enter a Number for a specific output:
(0) : To install all tools.
(1) : To show all available tools and type the number of a tool which you want to install.
(2) : To show tools category.
(3) : For the install of the operating system in Termux
(4) : If you want to update Tool-X.
(5) : If you want to know About Us.
(x) : To exit the tool.
Now Tool-X is installed successfully. To run Tool-X Type Tool-X in your terminal.
Type Tool-X from anywhere in your terminal to open Tool-X.
#tool-x #hacking #kali #linux Attribuzione audio NCS (NoCopyrightSounds) Disclaimer:
All information contained in this site and all software provided by it are intended solely for the purpose of helping users to secure their online privacy from eventual cyberattacks. Such information and software do NOT constitute professional advice/services, are indicative and provided for educational use only. The site does not guarantee their accuracy or completeness. The use of such information and software for any purpose other than the abovementioned is strictly forbidden. The site and/or the site’s owner(s) hold no responsibility for any misuse of the above by third parties and reserve their rights to ban the access of users or take any legal action against users, should any misuse be noticed.
#tool-x #kali #linux
by Tigerman root
linux download