Total migration from Windows Server to Zentyal (transfer of FSMO roles) (Tutorial 3)

This is the third (and last) of three video tutorials on Zentyal Server (Development Edition, version 5.1) as a native replacement to Microsoft Active Directory®. In this tutorial we will perform a total migration from Windows Server to Zentyal.


windows server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

8 thoughts on “Total migration from Windows Server to Zentyal (transfer of FSMO roles) (Tutorial 3)

  • Hi am a newbie with Zentyal, recently set up a mail server, however would want to migrate users from one zentyal server to another. Seeking for guidence on how to do that

  • Hi Zentyal, what is the process of reverting back fsmo roles from zentyal to windows??? Cheers

  • How do I migrate from previous versions of zentyal to the latest version (samba, users, rules, vpn). I would like to migrate the entire environment from zentyal 3.2 to 7.0.

  • hello does anybody know if this process should migrate active directory users desktop/documents which are stored on the existing windows domain controller?

  • Not really working. Maybe in a lab with standard setups, but not in real life when your domain is configured to use all your resources and users in your network. I tried it and this will not work. Please make more investigations and practice cases to make this work. Also It would be nice to have better tutorials not just your standard documentations. I mean by that tutorials about command line commands, better wiki's, better best practices and service commands and essential file locations. Don't get me wrong here, I would love to move away from MS to Zentyal, but even with 6.1 it's still not doable with the little information administrators have. I do migrations sinds Zentyal 3.1 and I never could do one just like in the videos! There is almost always something going wrong and you have to spend day's to figure out where and what is going wrong. And believe me it's not with any information I can find on google or Zentyal's documentation. Please be more accessible to your community and don't state that you can not reproduce the issue. If someone has an issue, they really have one, even if you can't reproduce it. Deal with that and solve the issues. Thanx for your help in advance from all the administrators left in the dark.

  • I used this tutorial to migrate a Zentyal Standalone to a new fresh Zentyal setup, Once this was completed I shut down the old one. Now however all of the GPOs I had are gone….. Sysvol/policies is non existent.

  • Hello, will already existing users be impacted after the synchronization is done? That is will users created on A.D be deleted for sync to happen?

  • I added zentyal as additioanal domain contoroller, do I need to perform any actions after using the migration command? Because in the string of the role of the domain he builds as additional?

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