Total Tier | 7 Days To Die Console Vanilla PS5 (5)

Console 7DTD – 7 DAYS TO DIE 1.0 release on xbox and playstation ps5
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Gaming Pc:
Intel Core i7 10th Gen 10700KF Comet Lake 3.80GHz
EVGA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 12GB FTW3
Corsair Dominator Platinum 32 Gb 3200Mhz

Recording / Rendering Machine:
I7 Kaby Lake 7700k
ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1080 AMP! Extreme, 8GB GDDR5X
Elgato 4k60pro internal card
G.Skill TridentZ RGB 16GB DDR4 3200MHz
ASUS ROG Maximus IX Hero

Astro A40 Headset
Yamaha ag03 deck
Sennheiser e835s Microphone

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

#skippy0330 #7dtd #7daystodie


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20 thoughts on “Total Tier | 7 Days To Die Console Vanilla PS5 (5)

  • The best place I've found to gather leather is in diners. They're common and have multiple booths of leather seats. Also, I put a point in Animal Tracker and kill any rabbits I find. Two leather each adds up, plus you get the meat. I don't recall if snakes give leather too, but even better if so.

  • People on Xbox beware your worlds can just randomly get deleted

  • Is holding onto the magazines better than reading them right away ?

  • Hey Skippy, when harvesting animals with a knife, right click above the animal and drag cursor down to hit the animal it's way quicker than left clicking

  • I play on PS5 and I’m addicted!!! 40 hours in so far and I don’t know think I’ll play another game for a while

  • 2 questions:
    1: is there a perk that lets you get XP from trap kills?

    2: is anyone missing loot out of their storage crates? I think there’s a bug because I’m missing mods I know I definitely picked up.

  • I ve been using the billboards as home bases and then putting cobblestone blocks around the metal legs and spikes. Its been working super good and most the time they dont see you unless you want them too.. but its easy to get deer and other animals its like a tree stand/ clubhouse a been doing well…did a practice run of 14days so about to start over since i had gotten good practice with the new stuff and what not

  • Skippy, I have a problem hoarding loot in early game and it always encumbers my character. Do you have or could you make a video on loot a player should/should not keep during early game?!!

  • Hey Skippy, I just found out today that I'm going to be a grandfather for the first time. I'm over the moon and can't wait to hold my first born grandchild .👣💖

  • i love how lazy you play this game. most people push push push. At last someone that plays as lazy as me. keep it up-never give in. LOL a horde base with one layer of blocks on spikes hahaha u kill me. couldnt run to that deer to kill it? "whatever" is the word of the day it seems. i love u man

  • The huntsman perk is great for finding and tracking animals 🫡

  • Night Hunting: If you stay stealthily, you can move 10-15m once you shoot a zombie. The zombie will go to where you shot and not find you. Sneak shots have a short CD (around 10 seconds) Also, use a rifle instead of a pistol for hunting. You get bonuses from your Perception Build, even without Dead Eye. Shoot, move, and stay stealthy.

    Cigar: Place in a Mining Helmet to open an extra 69er and Mother Lode. Or place it in either the Ranger Hat or Enforcer Glasses for better bartering. I keep a Ranger Hat locked in the bottom of my backpack and sometimes I remember to wear it at the traders.

    Dog Hordes: Nothing about dogs, but do you remember the football team horde? That used to get me all the time.

    Nerd Armor: T5 is 20% and T6 is 50%, but by then you are near maxed on the important magazines.

  • My only issue is that even on the series x horde nights later on and even just doing quests in areas with a high zombie count will drop your fps to 5-10. Hopefully they work on it. It makes late game almost unplayable. But I fight trough it because I enjoy it

  • Anyone met a wolf with red eye during bloodmoons? How this monster is so tough? I spend 200 riffle bullets, 3-4 pipe bombs and he was alive . He gives 2400 xp. He is a real danger

  • Skippy you make this game look so easy. I've been scrambling and barely making it like im a noob 😅.

  • You banned my main account because it has a funny weird name. yourin8er is my main account. I’ve been watching since before they added traders to 7 days on ps4. An odd name doesn’t make you bad. Please unban it. I promise I’m a good person. And congratulations on the new baby. gg.

  • Watching Skippy ignore the office chair in the first few minutes that would give a lot of leather if scrapped, then get the next one he sees and calming down again lol. I do think they give more leather if scrapped in the inventory.

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