Transfer files from PC to Steam Deck with FTP / FileZilla
Another option to get files from your PC to #SteamDeck and vice-versa. You can use FileZilla or your favourite FTP program for this. I choose FileZilla as it’s properly cross-platform and open source.
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Run “passwd” to set the password.
Then “sudo systemctl enable sshd” and “sudo systemctl start sshd”.
Get the Steam Deck IP from the Networking icon in the Details tab.
Open FileZilla on your PC and enter the details in.
For Windows:
For Linux: you know where to go.
by GamingOnLinux
linux ftp server
Thank you so much for this. I was using warpinator which worked atleast 2 times and after that is just stopped working properly.
Legend! works amazing
How to transfer to sd card? I can't found the folder
Where to find sd card folder?
so i managed to get it all set up but filezilla isnt connecting to the server; i tried to find out why and from what ive found out, i use a private ip, which is a problem and i need to use a global ip adress? i dont get it, i am a noob in this stuff pls help me
Once enabled, is ssh still possible when you switch back to gaming mode? I want to export a file from a game and then be able to grab that file from my laptop without having to leave the game and switch to desktop mode. Is this possible?
This video inadvertantly showed me that the VGUI2 Classic theme exists. Wish Valve would upload it to KDE's servers so I could get it on my desktop.
is it really necessary to set a password?
Really easy to follow along and replicate what you did, thank you so much!
Says its an incorrect password
Its also only via WIFI? What if my PC is with LAN connected?
Should I somehow disable this connection when I'm done transferring files?
"sudo systemctl end sshd" command doesn't work.
Thank you so much for this guide, I stopped using my Steam Deck for a few months but have got into retro emulation and picked it back up, I was using Winpinator before but went back on my deck and whatever i did it just wouldn't work for me, followed this guide and worked first time. Panic over!
does it also work with big files? (10gb+)
That was so simple. Thank you!
Got this working but does anyone know how to place ROMS onto the SD card in the deck? I can't find the path for it in Filezilla
What if the Ip changes? like if another device uses it while the deck is turned off. We need a fixed ip.
man how do you get dark theme on filezilla lol
this made things so much easier for me, thank you!
Thank you so much for this video. Can this method also be used to connect to a remote Steam Deck (not local on the same network)?
I owe you my first born for this
How so you access the SD card in the Steam Deck?
PC game installs: "Program Files (x86)steamsteamappscommon"
Deck game installs: /home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/common
You can copy your game folders freely between them to save on downloading multiple times from the Internet. Surprised no one has mentioned this especially if you're on slow or limited data. I'm in a major city in the US and still stuck with 50mbit/sec download, which is maybe 20GB/hr if I'm lucky… Uncharted is 124GB, Anno 1800 is 87GB…! They took 10 minutes instead of 4 hours!
"cant connect to the server" :/
EDIT: just restart the deck after enabling and starting sshd